Cine ar fi crezut ca acest desert aparent sofisticat este atat de simplu de preparat? :) Mijlocul de ciocolata topita face toti banii. Veti da pe spate pe toata lumea cu acest desert, mai ales servit cu inghetata de casa :) Sufleu de ciocolata – lava cake. Si in varianta dietetica (keto / Low carb)!

Ingrediente (4 portii):

  • 100g ciocolata amaruie fara zahar
  • 3 oua
  • 100g unt
  • 80g zahar/indulcitor pudra*
  • 2 lg cacao
  • 2 lg faina* (de migdale)
  • 1 praf de sare
  • zahar/indulcitor* pudra si inghetata pentru servit

Topim untul si ciocolata la bain-marie (deasupra unui vas cu apa fierbinte). Separat batem ouale si zaharul pudra. Adaugam compozitia de ciocolata in cea de oua, putin cate putin, mixand bine cu un tel.

Adaugam si faina si pudra de cacao, praful de sare si omogenizam bine tot. Ungem 4 forme ca cele din imagine cu putin ulei si le pudram cu cacao.

Repartizam compozitia in cele 4 forme si coacem totul in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru maxim 13-15 minute. Eu le-am copt 17 min si nu a iesit chiar atat de moale centrul, era loc de mai bine :))  Presaram zahar pudra deasupra inainte de servire. Pofta mare!

*Keto/low carb: folositi indulcitor pudra si faina de migdale :) Si imi veti multumi :))


Who would have thought this apparently super sophisticated dessert is so easy to make? :) The molten chocolate center is the rock star. You’ll make quite an impression on your guests with this recipe, especially serve warm with homemade ice cream :)

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 100 g sugar-free dark chocolate
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • 80 g powdered sugar/sweetener*
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 2 tbsp flour* (almond)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar/sweetener (for dusting)

Melt the butter and chocolate over a pot of hot water (bain marie). Separately whisk the eggs and sugar. Add the chocolate mix into the egg one, slowly, constantly whisking. Sift in the cocoa and flour and mix until smooth.

Grease 4 muffin cases with oil and dust with cocoa. Divide the mixture into these 4 cases and bake them for maximum 13-15 min at 180 C. I baked mine for 17 min and the center might have been more liquid… :) Enjoy!

*Keto/Low carb option: use sweetener and almond flour and thank me later :))

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