In sezonul rece si ploios supele calde si cremoase sunt un „must-have” :)) Iar aceasta supa crema de morcovi nu face exceptie. Fina, dulceaga si putin picanta datorita ghimbirului, e minunata cu topping de crutoane si seminte de dovleac :)


  • 1 kg de morcovi
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 ceapa mare
  • 2 catei de usturoi
  • 2 lg ghimbir ras*
  • 200ml lapte de migdale
  • sare si piper dupa gust
  • seminte de dovleac si crutoane pentru servit

Incalzim uleiul intr-o oala adanca si sotam ceapa, usturoiul tocate marunt si ghimbirul ras. Dupa ce s-au inmuiat, aprox 2-3 minute, adaugam 800ml de apa (adaugati mai multa daca doriti, mie imi plac supele dense), morcovii curatati si taiati bucati, laptele, sare si piper.

Lasam totul pe foc timp de 20-30 de min, pana morcovii sunt fierti (in functie de cat de mari i-ati taiat). Pasam supa cu blenderul vertical si o savuram fierbinte. Cu seminte de dovleac si crutoane recomand eu :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: omiteti ghimbirul, caliti legumele in putin apa si adaugati uleiul la final; folositi sare cu masura si doar dupa varsta de 1 an.


The cold and rainy season makes hot soups a „must-have” this time of the year :)) And this cream of carrot soup makes no exception. Smooth, sweet and a little spicy thanks to the ginger, it’s just perfect with croutons and pumpkin seeds :)


  • 1 kg carrots
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp grated ginger
  • 200 ml almond milk
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • pumpkin seeds and croutons for serving

Heat the oil in a deep pot and saute the chopped onion, garlic and grated ginger. Once softened, after about 2-3 min, add 800ml of water (or more if you want, I like thick soups), peeled and chopped carrots, milk, salt and pepper and let it all cook for about 20-30 min, until the carrots are boiled (depending on the size of the chunks). Puree the soup with the vertical blender and serve hot.With  croutons and pumpkin seeds :) Enoy!

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