Am gasit niste sparanghel superb la Lidl in weekend si pentru ca imi ramasese gandul la reteta Denisei, am pregatit o super supa crema de sparanghel :) E pe cat de simpla, pe atat de gustoasa si aromata, nu credca am destule cuvinte sa o recomand cum i se cuvine, este ceva de vis :) Si merge de minune cu niste crutoane keto, reteta aici.

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 1 legatura de sparanghel
  • 1 ceapa mare
  • 1 catel de usturoi
  • 40g unt
  • 500ml apa
  • 200ml smantana lichida
  • 1 lgt legume deshidratate pt mancaruri
  • sare si piper dupa gust
  • parmezan sau mozzarella pt servit

Incalzim untul intr-o tigaie inalta si rumenim ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt cam 2-3 min. Spalam sparangheul si curatam tulpinile astfel: luam o tulpina si o indoim pana se rupe, se va rupe fix unde trebuie :)

Aruncam partea scurta si lemnoasa de la baza care s-a rupt si repetam procedura cu toate firele de sparanghel, apoi le tocam bucati grosiere. Adaugam in tigaie sparanghelul, apa, sare, piper si legumele deshidratate. lasam totul pe foc cam 20 de min, pana sparanghelul e fiert.

Pasam supa cu ajutorul blenderului, adaugam smantana lichida si parmezan (daca avem). Eu am servit supa calda cu mozarella deasupra si cateva varfuri de sparanghel pe care le-am pastrat pt decor :) E incredibil de gustoasa! :)

Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


I found this beautiful asparagus in the supermarket this weekend and because I was craving for a cream soup I prepared the most amazing cream of asparagus soup, words are not enough to describe the taste and flavor! :)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 1 bunch of aspragus
  • 1 big onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 40 g butter
  • 500 ml water
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 1 tsp dried veggies
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Parmesan or mozzarella for serving

Heat the butter in a high pan and saute the diced onion and garlic for 2-3 min. Wash the asparagus and prepare it like this: bend a thread until it snaps. The fresh part will be separated from the woody one in just the right place :)

Throw away the woody part and repeat with the rest, then roughly chop the fresh parts. Add the asparagus to the pan, water, salt, pepper, dried veggies and let it all cook for about 20 min, until the asparagus is cooked.

Blend the soup with the blender, add the heavy cream and Parmesan and serve. I had my serving with mozarella and a couple of asparagus pieces I saved before blending. I’t the most amazing soup!:)

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