O supa aromata de rosii proaspete e exact ceea ce ne trebuie cand ajungem seara acasa, nu? :) Delicioasa si usoara, pentru mine este cina ideala. E super buna servita calda sau chiar rece, cu crutoane, parmezan ras si verdeturi proaspete :)


  • 2-3 rosii mari, carnoase
  • 1 conserva de rosii
  • 2 catei de usturoi
  • 1 ceapa
  • 2 morcovi
  • 1 pastarnac
  • 1 pumn de orez
  • 1 lg mix de legume deshidratate
  • verdeata pentru decor
  • sare, piper

Punem la fiert rosiile tocate grosier, rosiile din conserva (puteti folosi doar rosii proaspete sau doar rosii conservate, in functie de sezon) si usturoiul cu aprox 1-1.5L de apa apoi pasam supa cu blenderul vertical si adaugam morcovii, ceapa, pastarnacul, toate tocate marunt si orezul.

Asezonam cu sare si piper dupa gust, mixul de legume uscate si lasam pe foc pana legumele sunt al dente (fierte, dar nu foarte moi) si orezul fiert, cam 20 de min. Servim cu verdeata presarata deasupra: busuioc, patrunjel sau chives. Sau ce avem in frigider :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric.


A hot flavored tomato soup is just the perfect thing on this weather when you get home :) Delicious and light, it’s the ideal dinner for me. And for some extra Omega 3, I like to add some freshly ground flax seeds.


  • 2-3 large summer tomatoes
  • 1 can of tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 handful of rice
  • 1 tbsp dried veggies food base mix
  • fresh herbs for decorating
  • salt, pepper

Boil the tomatoes, canned tomatoes (you can use only fresh tomatoes or only canned tomatoes, depending on the season) and garlic with about 1-1.5L of water, then puree the soup with a blender and add the chopped carrots, onion, parsnip and rice.

Season with salt and pepper to taste, add the dry veggie mix and let the soup simmer until the vegetables are al-dente (boiled, but not too soft) and the rice is cooked about 20 min. Serve with fresh herbs: basil, parsley or chives. Or what you have in the fridge :) Enjoy!

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