Folosesc Green Sugar din 2014 si mi se pare cam cel mai bun si mai sanatos indulcitor natural de pe piata din Romania, iar cand am aflat de noul produs Green Sugar Premium 1:2 (cu putere dubla de indulcire), eram sigura ca vreau sa il inaugurez cu un mega desert de vara, fara coacere :D Tarta keto cu ciocolata si menta. Pozele vorbesc de la sine, just saying :)
- 100g fulgi de cocos
- 100g unt
- 50g faina de migdale
- 20g cacao
- 2 lg Green Sugar Premium 1:2
- 200g avocado, pulpa
- 200ml smantana lichida (neindulcita)
- 200g crema de branza
- 1 pliculet de gelatina (10g)
- 4 lg Green Sugar Premium 1:2
- 4-5 pic ulei esential de menta doTERRA
- Banuti de ciocolata fara zahar pt topping
Incalzim pe foc intr-un ibric mic 100ml de apa, adaugam gelatina, amestecam constant pana aceasta se dizolva (dar NU o fiebem), apoi lasam compozitia sa se raceasca. Punem toate ingredientele pentru blat intr-ul bol si amestecam bine, framantand cu degetele. Vom obtine un aluat ciocolatos maleabil, care isi pastreaza forma atunci cand e strans intre degete.
Il presam pe baza unei forme rotunda tapetate cu hartie de copt. A mea a avut diametru de 23cm, daca era mai mica iesea mai inalta si parca mai draguta tarta, deci recomand una cam de 18-20cm :)
Pentu crema pasam pulpa de avocado la blender/robot, apoi o batem cu mixerul impreuna cu crema de branza si indulcitorul Green Sugar pana la omogenizare. Adaugam si smantana lichida si batem totul pana crema e fina si pufoasa, aerata.
Micsoram viteza mixerului si adaugam apa cu gelatina, uleiul esential de menta si mixam sunt incorporate, apoi turnam crema peste blat si introducem tarta la rece pana crema devine ferma, minim 2-3 ore in frigider. Eu am tinut-o in congelator putin pentru a se intari mai repede :)
O decoram cu ciocolata amaruie Green Sugar topita la bain-marie, seminte de canepa si frunzulite de menta :) Sau cu ce doriti, e o tarta minunata oricum, priviti ce consistenta are crema. Se pastreaza in frigider sau se poate congela ;) Pofta mare!
I’ve been using Green Sugar since 2014 and it is pretty much the best and healthiest natural sweetener in Romania and since finding out about their new product, Green Sugar Premium 1:2 (double sweetening power), I was so sure I’d use it with a super decadent summer no bake desert :) Keto chocolate mint tart. I think the photos just speak for themselves :)
- 100 g desiccated coconut
- 100 g butter
- 50 g almond flour
- 20 g cocoa
- 2 tbsp Green Sugar Premium 2:1
- 200 g avocado pulp
- 200 ml heavy cream (unsweetened)
- 200 g cream cheese
- 1 sachet of gelatin (10 g)
- 4 tbsp Green Sugar Premium 2:1
- 4-5 drops essential peppermint oil
- Sugar free dark chocolate for the topping
Dissolve the gelatin in 100 ml of warm-hot water (but not boiling), then let it cool. Place all the ingredients for the crust in a bowl and mix well, using your fingers. You’ll get a sticky dough that’s holds its shape when squeezed between fingers.
Press it onto the bottom of a spring form pan lined with baking paper. Mine had 23 cm diameter, but I think a small one one, 18-20 cm would have made the tart taller and prettier :)
For the filing puree the avocado pulp, then mix with the sweetener and cream cheese until smooth. Add the heavy cream and mix until light and fluffy.
Lower the mixer speed and add the water with gelatin, peppermint oil and mix until fully incorporated, then pour the filling over the crust and place in the fridge until firm, min 2-3 hours. I kept mine in the freezer to set faster :))
Decorate with melted dark chocolate, hemp seeds and mint leaves :) Or whatever you like, it’s a wonderful tart anyway, look at the beautiful consistency :) Store in the fridge or even in the freezer. Enjoy!