Continuam seria de dupa Paste, cu multe legume :) Mi-a facut super pofta aceasta reteta de tocana frantuzeasca de legume din cartea de bucate KitchenAid, For everything you want to make, eu am omis doar baconul :) E consistenta, satioasa si frumos colorata, poate fi mancata goala sau ca garnitura. Also, vroiam sa va arat si acest genial dispozitiv de tocat Oxo, care taie cubulete tottttt, si am mai avut ustensile de genul, dar mergeau foarte greu la radacinoase tari, ei bine acesta nu :)
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 2 morcovi
- 4 cartofi
- 200g telina
- 200g mazare (congelata)
- 2 cepe (1 rosie, 1 alba)
- 2-3 lg ulei de masline
- cateva crengute de cimbru
- 2 foi de dafin
- 1 lg mix de legume deshidratate pt mancaruri
- sare, piper
Tocam toate legumele, manual sau cu dispozitivul de tocat Oxo, in cazul meu, pentru a economisi timp si pentru a avea legumele taiate bucatele perfect egale :) If you ask me, as zice ca merge folosit si la salata Boeuf, dar bucatile sunt mai mari totusi, FYI. Vedeti din poze, aveti mazarea ca reper de marime.
Incalzim uleiul intr-o cratita, adaugam ceapa tocata mai intai, o gatim la foc mic/mediu pana e translucida, apoi adaugam si telina si morcovii, 300ml de apa si lasam totul pe foc 15 min. Apoi putem adauga si cartofii si mazarea (am folosit mazare congelata), care se fierb repede.
Adaugam sare, piper, crengutele de cimbru, frunzele de dafin, mixul de legume deshidratate pentru mancaruri si gatim tocanita inca vreo 7 minute, in functie de dimensiunea legumelor, pana sunt bine facute. Pofta mare! Tocana frantuzeasca de legume.
After Easter, we continue the veggie based recipes :) I was very drawn into this French vegetable stew from the KitchenAid recipe book, For everything you want to make, I just didn’t use bacon :) It’s hearty, nourishing and it has beautiful colors, you can serve it as side dish or as a main meal. Also, I wanted to show you this amazing Oxo food dicer, it’s super useful, even for root vegetables :)
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 2 carrots
- 4 potatoes
- 200 g celeriac
- 200 g peas (frozen)
- 2 onions (1 red onion, 1 yellow onion)
- 2-3 tbsp olive oil
- a few thyme threads
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 tbsp dry veggie mix food base
- salt, pepper
Manually dice the veggies, I used the Oxo dicer, to save time and have them all perfectly equal :) If you ask me, I’d say it works also for Beofu salad, but the pieces are slightly larger, look at the photos and check the peas for size reference :)
Heat the oil in a pan, add the diced onions and cook them over low heat until translucent, then add the celeriac and carrot, 300ml water and simmer for 15 min. Then add the potatoes and peas that boil a lot cuiker.
Add salt, pepper, thyme threads, bay leaves, dry veggie mix and cook the stew for approx 7 more min, depending on the size of the veggies, until they are all cooked. Enjoy!