Tocanita de cartofi la multicooker. O mancare pe care mi-o facea des bunica atunci cand eram mica si imi placea foarte mult, cu muraturi si multa verdeata deasupra :) E delicioasa fierbinte, cu niste paine de inmuiat in sosul minunat, ca garnitura la orice friptura sau mancare de post gustoasa si ieftina. P.S. – Andie mi-a facut pofta de tocanita de cartofi :)


  • 1 kg cartofi
  • 3 lg ulei de masline
  • 2 morcovi
  • 2 cepe
  • 3 catei de usturoi
  • 200ml suc de rosii
  • 2 lg sos de rosii si ardei copti (optional)
  • 2 foi de dafin
  • 2 lgt mix de legume deshidratate baza pt mancaruri
  • 1 lgt boia dulce
  • 1 lgt sare, putin piper*

Pe Brown/Saute 10 min incingem uleiul si rumenim ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt. Dupa ce ceapa s-a inmuiat putin, adaugam apoi morcovii decojiti taiat rondele.

Adaugam cartofii decojiti si taiati bucati potrivite, sucul de rosii, pasta de ardei si toate condimentele. Turnam 150ml de apa si amestecam bine tot. Gatim tocanita 12 min pe programul Manual, High Pressure, cu valva de presiune inchisa.

Dupa ce timpul a expirat, punem un prosopel pe capac si eliberam cu grija valva de presiune folosindu-ne de o spatula. Dupa ce nu mai fasaie nimic deschidem capacul si servim minunatatia de tocanita de cartofi fierbinte :) Pofta mare!

Baby friendly: omiteți sarea și folosiți piper cu măsură, fiind un condiment iritant gastric.


Pressure cooker potato stew. A dish my grandma used to make very often when I was little and I love it, especially with pickles and lots of fresh parsley :) It’s delicious hot, with some bread to dip in the wonderful sauce, as a side dish for any steak or plain and a filing vegan dish. P.S. – Andie made me crave potato stew so bad :)


  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 200 ml tomato juice
  • 2 tbsp tomato roasted pepper sauce (optional)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tsp dried veggies herb mix
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika
  • 1 tsp salt, a pinch of pepper

Heat the oil on Brown/Saute, program 10 min and brown the chopped onions and garlic. After the onion has softened a little, add the peeled and chopped carrots.

Add the peeled and chopped potatoes, tomato juice, tomato pepper sauce and all the spices. Pour 150ml water and mix everything well. Cook on Manual program, High Pressure for 12 min, with the pressure valve closed.

When the time’s up, put a kitchen cloth on the lid and carefully open the pressure valve using a spatula. When there is no more hissing sound, open the lid and serve this wonderful potato stew hot. Enjoy! :)

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