Dupa saptamana raw am vrut sa revin treptat la alimentatia normala, asa ca mi-am pregatit o tocanita de linte si naut. De post, foarte gustoasa si satioasa, se face repede si e excelenta cu muraturi alaturi :) V-am convins sa o faceti si voi?
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 2 cepe
- 2 morcovi
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 2 lg ulei de masline
- 1 conserva de linte (sau 150g boabe de linte inmuiate peste noapte si fierte)
- 1 conserva de naut (sau 150g boabe de naut inmuiate peste noapte si fierte)
- 250ml suc de rosii
- 1 mana de baby spanac
- 1 cub de supa bio
- sare si piper dupa gust
Incalzim uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie adanca si rumenim ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt pana parfumeaza bucataria :) Adaugam morcovii taiati rondele, sucul de rosii, cubul de supa, boabele scurse de linte si naut. Turnam apa cat sa fie acoperite legumele si asezonam cu sare si piper dupa gust. Cand morcovii sunt moi, adaugam si frunzele de baby spanac si mai lasam mancarea pe foc 2 minute. Asta e tot :) Sa avem pofta!
After the 7 days of raw food I wanted to gradually return to normal food, so I prepared a lentil and chickpea stew. Vegan, very tasty and filling, it’s really easy to make and great with pickles :) Did I convince you to try it?
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 2 onions
- 2 carrots
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 can of lentil (or 150 g dry lentils soaked overnight and boiled)
- 1 can of chickpea (or 150 g dry chickpeas soaked overnight and boiled)
- 250 ml tomato juice
- 1 handful baby spinach
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- salt and pepper to taste
Heat up the olive oil in a tall pan and saute the chopped onions and garlic until the perfume invades your kitchen :) Add the sliced carrots, tomato sauce, stock cube, drained lentil and chickpea. Pour water to cover the vegetables and season with salt and pepper to taste. When the carrots are soft, add the handful of baby spinach and let the stew cook for 2 more minutes., That’s it :) Enjoy!
Buna ziua
Se pot folosii si ingrdiente uscate(in locul conservelor)? Daca da care ar fi cantitatile?!
Multumesc frumos
Buna Andreea, sigur ca poti folosi si boabe uscate, eu stiu ca raportul la leguminoase e 1/3: 1 parte boabe uscate = 3 parti boabe fierte. Deci iti trebuie aproximativ 150g linte si 150g naut pe care le fierbi tu. Eu am mers pe varianta mai rapida :) O zi frumoasa!
Reteta de cozonac ai?
Draga Camelia, nu am nici o reteta de cozonac pe blog, voi lua in calcul solicitarea ta pe viitor :)
O zi frumoasa!
Camelia, iata, am postat si reteta de cozonac! :)