Pentru ziua Ilincai (cand au zburat 4 ani? :) am pregatit 3 torturi, pentru ca petrecerea a fost impartita in 2 zile :) 2 torturi clasice si acest micut tort keto pentru amatorii genului :) Blat aromat si gustos cu oua de tara (de aceea e asa galben), gem de zmeura fara zahar si o super crema fina de mascarpone cu unt de cacao, e ceva de vis! :) La multi ani, Ilincuta mea draga!
- 100g faina de migdale
- 2 lg tarate de psyllium
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 5 oua
- 80g eritritol (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 60g ulei de cocos
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt esenta de rom
- 250g mascarpone
- 80g unt de cacao
- 100ml smantana lichida
- 50g eritritol
- 100g gem de zmeura fara zahar
Amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina de migdale, taratele de psyllium, praful de copt, un praf de sare. Separat batem ouale intregi* spuma cu indulcitorul pana isi dubleaza volumul, adaugam apoi uleiul de cocos, vanilia si romul.
Incoporam usor amestecul uscat in cel umed, pana obtinem o compozitie omogena. Turnam compozitia intr-o tava cu fund detasabil (diametru 18cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem blatul cam 30 de min la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii.
Pentru glazura mixam branza mascarpone rece cu indulcitorul, adaugam apoi untul de cacao topit si smantana lichida. Mixam pana crema e fina si pufoasa apoi o introducem in frigider, e foarte important, se va mai intari la rece si va fi mai usor de intins.
Asamblare: taiem blatul de tort racit in 2 bucati. Eu il intorc cu fundul in sus, pentru ca baza e mai neteda si arata mai frumos :) Ungem cu gem de zmeura blatul, adaugam din crema de mascarpone, o intindem frumos, apoi asezam si cealalta jumatate de blat. Imbracam tortul in restul de crema si il tinem la rece. La multi ani! :)
- Folositi oua la temperatura camerei pentru a evita gustul pronuntat de ou
- Recomand sa separati ouale si sa bateti albusurile spuma, ca in reteta aceasta, asa iese putin mai pufos blatul :)
- Am folosit faina de migdale cu coaja, de aceea a iesit blatul cu „picatele” :) Si oua de tara, de aceea a iesit asa galben.
For Ilinca’s 4th anniversary I prepared 3 cakes, because the party was divided in 2 days :) 2 classic ones and this small keto cake, for the keto low carb lovers :D Tasty sponge cake with beautiful free range eggs (that’s why so yellow), sugar free raspberry jam and the most amazing frosting with mascarpone and cocoa butter, incredibly delicious! Happy birthday my pretty little lady! :)
- 100 g almond flour
- 2 tbsp psyllium husk
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 5 eggs
- 80 g erythritol (or favorite sweetener)
- 60 g coconut oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp rum essence
- 250 g mascarpone
- 80 g cocoa butter
- 100 ml heavy cream
- 50 g erythritol
- 100 g sugar free raspberry jam
Mix the dry ingredients: almond flour, psyllium husk, baking powder and pinch of salt. Separately whisk the whole eggs* and sweetener until they double in size, then add the coconut oil, vanilla and rum.
Fold in the dry mixture into the egg one, gently, until nice and smooth. Pour into a 18 cm spring form pan lined with baking paper and bake at 180 C until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
For the frosting whisk the cold mascarpone cheese and sweetener, then add the melted cocoa butter and heavy cream. Mix until smooth and fluffy then place in the fridge (very important!) to set and be easy to spread on the cake, otherwise it might be a little too soft.
Assembly: cut the cake in 2. I flip the cake because the base is more smooth and even :) Spread raspberry jam over the base layer, add the frosting, add the second cake layer and coat the entire cake in the remaining frosting. Happy birthday! :)
- Use room temperature eggs, to avoid the eggy taste.
- I recommend you separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff, exactly as I do in this recipe, this way the cake is more fluffy :)
- I used unblanched almond flour, that’s why the dough has small dots :)
Buna ! Nu am momentan unt de cacao, oare merge sa pun crema de la Rulada keto cu ciocolata, cu mascarpone și unt ..?
Sigur Ana, poti pune ce crema vrei tu :) Pupici!