Postul este o perioada minunata de purificare spirituala si trupeasca, insa din cand in cand simtim si nevoia de ceva dulce, pentru un boost de energie. Dar come on, mult zahar alb, mult ulei, margarina, seriously? Nu vrem asa ceva, domne! :)) Un desert raw vegan cu ingrediente naturale este solutia perfecta, daca ma intrebati pe mine. Tort raw cu banane si cocos. Incredibil de bun! :)


Pentru blat amestecam cu o lingura faina de migdale si semintele de canepa cu siropul de agave. Daca mai e nevoie adaugam vreo 2 linguri de apa. Presam compozitia pe fundul unei tavi cu preti detasabili (a mea are 22cm diametru).

O introducem la rece cat timp facem crema: mixam in blender bananele, crema de cocos, taratele de psyllium si indulcitorul pe baza de stevie, Green Sugar. Turnam crema peste blat si introducem tortul in congelator. Inainte de servire il decoram cu feliute de banana, chipsuri de cocos si sirop de agave. Se pastreaza in congelator si se scoate cu o ora inainte de servire. Senzational! :)


Fasting is an incredible period of spiritual and physical detox, but from time to time we need something sweet for an energy boost. But come on, lots of white sugar, lots of oil, margarine, seriously? No, sir! :)) A raw vegan dessert with natural ingredients is the perfect solution, if you ask me. Raw banana coconut cake. Incredibly good! :)


  • 200 g almond flour (or ground almonds)
  • 50 g hemp seeds
  • 6 tbsp agave syrup
  • 7 bananas
  • 200 ml coconut cream
  • 3 tbsp psyllium
  • 10 drops liquid stevia (to taste)
  • banana slices, coconut chips and agave syrup for topping

For the crust combine with a spoon the almond flour and hemp seeds with the agave syrup. If necessary add 2 tablespoons of water. Press the mixture onto the bottom of a pan (mine has 22 cm diameter).

Place the cake in the fridge while making the filling: blend the bananas, coconut cream, psyllium husk and stevia drops. Pour the cream over the crust and put the cake in the freezer. Before serving decorate it with banana slices, coconut chips and drizzle agave syrup on top. Store it in the freezer and take out 1 hour before serving. Sensational! :)

8 Comments on Tort raw cu banane si cocos / Raw banana coconut cake

  1. Sambata e ziua baietelului meu si vreau sa ii fac acest tort. Nu am inteles insa de ce in lista de ingrediente apar 200 gr migdale si la descriere se foloseste doar o lingura. Se mai pune faina de migdale si la crema, sau nu?

    • Draga Aurora, in text scrie ca amesteci CU o lingura faina de migdale, nu o lingura de faina de migdale :) Spor la treaba!

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