La schimbarea prefixului de la 2 la 3 e nevoie de un super-tort :) Daca va plac batoanele Snickers, acesta e pentru voi: nuga cremoasa, caramel delicios, arahide, ciocolata pura… Fara nici un sentiment de vinovatie, totul e facut doar din ingrediente sanatoase :) Tort Snickers raw vegan. La multi ani!
Ingrediente (10 portii):
- 400g unt de migdale
- 4 lg sirop de artar
- 3 lg faina de cocos
- 400g curmale hidratate 2 ore
- 150ml apa plata
- 200g arahide crude (eu am folosit nuci)
- un praf de sare
- 175g unt de cacao
- 2 lg cacao
- 2 lg sirop de artar
Pentru nuga amestecam bine cu o spatula untul de migdale cu faina de cocos si 4 linguri de sirop de artar. Presam compozitia pe fundul unei tavi detasabile; a mea are diametru de 22cm, puteti folosi una mai micuta daca vreti sa iasa mai inalt tortul :)
Preparam caramelul: mixam in blenderul de mare putere (sau robot) curmalele moi cu apa plata. Intindem caramelul peste nuga, presaram nucile deasupra, un praf de sare si suntem aproape gata, mai trebuie doar topping-ul de ciocolata :)
Topim untul de cacao la bain-marie, adaugam siropul de artar si pudra de cacao si omogenizam bine. Introducem glazura de ciocolata in frigider pana se intareste putin si capata o consistenta de Nutella, apoi o intindem pe tort. Eu am mai presarat si o mana de alune de padure maruntite deasupra :) Se pastreaza in congelator. Pofta mare!
For my 30th anniversary I had to make a Super-cake :) If you like Snickers bars you’re gonna love this: creamy nougat, delicious caramel, peanuts and pure chocolate… With absolutely no guilt, all is made of healthy ingredients :) Raw vegan Snickers cake. Happy Birthday!
Ingredients (10 servings):
- 400 g almond butter
- 4 tbsp maple syrup
- 3 tbsp coconut flour
- 400 g dates, soaked for 2 hours
- 150 ml water
- 200 g raw peanuts (I used pecans)
- a pinch of salt
- 175 g cocoa butter
- 2 tsp cocoa
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
For the nougat combine the almond butter, coconut flour and 4 tbsp of maple syrup using a spatula. Press the mixture in a spring-form pan (mine has 22 cm diameter, but you can use a smaller one if you want a taller cake :)
Prepare the caramel: blend the dated and water using a high speed blender (or food processor). Spread the caramel over the nougat layer, place the peanuts on top, a sprinkle of salt and we’re almost done, all we need is the chocolate topping :)
Melt the cocoa butter over a pot of hit water, stir in the cocoa and maple syrup. Place the chocolate glaze in the fridge to harden until it reaches a Nutella consistency, then spread it on top of the cake. I sprinkled a handful of chopped hazelnuts as well :) Store in the freezer. Enjoy!