De sarbatorile acestea am vrut sa prepar un dulce sanatos cu ciocolata si pentru ca recent am descoperit o gama de produse absolut geniale, vreau sa va arat ce trufe wow am facut eu :) Clearspring este un brand de top la nivel mondial, cu produse exceptionale, pe mine cele pe baza de cocos m-au super impresionat, chiar sunt printre cele mai bune din cate am incercat. Si credeti-ma ca am incercat foarte multe :)) Laptele de cocos contine doar nuca de cocos si apa, sa ne intelegem, fara E-uri ca multe alte marci… Faina de cocos organica e super fina si aromata iar uleiul de cocos e just perfect :) Insa acestea sunt doar cateva produse, va recomand cu mana pe inima intreaga gama de produse Clearspring, de la magazinul Paradisul Verde.

Ingrediente (11 buc):

Se prepara foarte usor aceste trufe si nu aveti nevoie de robot de bucatarie sau blender :) Amestecam pur si simplu cu un tel ingredientele: uleiul de cocos la temperatura camerei, siropul de orez, uleiul de portocala si faina de cocos pana obtinem o crema omogena.

O introducem in congelator 10 min sau pana poate fi manevrata cu usurinta (uleiul de cocos se va solidifica la rece, facand compozitia mai ferma). Mai trebuie omogenizata putin cu o furculita, pentru ca unele portiuni de ulei de cocos se vor intari mai repede :) Consistenta trebuie sa fie de plastilina. Modelam bilute dupa bunul plac si marimea dorita, mie mi-au iesit 11 bucati, si le introducem in congelator.

Pregatim glazura: topim pasta de cacao la bain-marie (deasupra unui vas cu apa fierbinte), o amestecam cu putin lapte de cocos, uleiul de portocala si siropul de orez, omogenizand bine.

Mozolim trufele reci in aceasta glazura si le lasam sa se intareasca in congelator cateva minute, pe o tava cu hartie de copt. Apoi le dam prin ce topping dorim: cacao, faina de cocos sau fulgi de cocos :) Se pastreaza in frigider. Pofta mare!


These holidays I wanted to prepare a healthy chocolate treat and because I recently discovered an amazing brand of organic products, I will share this with you :) Clearspring is a top worldwide brand with exceptional products, I felt in love with their coconut line, they’re one of the best I’ve tried. And believe me I’ve tried a lot :)) The coconut milk contains only coconut and water, without preservatives and additives like many other brands… The coconut flour is super fine and full of flavor and the coconut oil is just perfect. And these are just a few products, check out the entire line here by clicking here.

Ingredients (11 pcs):

  • 70 g Clearspring coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp Clearspring coconut flour
  • 3 tbsp Clearspring rice malt syrup
  • 1 drop essential orange oil
  • Frosting:
  • 50 g cocoa paste
  • 2 tbsp Clearspring coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp Clearspring rice malt syrup
  • 1 drop essential orange oil
  • Topping: cocoa, desiccated coconut, coconut flour (your choice)

These truffles are super easy to make and you don’t need a blender or food processor :) Just whisk all the ingredients: coconut oil at room temperature, rice syrup, orange oil and coconut flour until you get a smooth cream.

Place it the freezer for about 10 min to harden a little. Mash the coconut chunks with a fork after that, if necessary. The consistency has to be like plasticine.  Mold balls and place them in the freezer, I made 11 pieces.

Prepare the frosting: melt the cacao paste at bain-marie (over a pot of hot water), adding the coconut milk and rice syrup.Stir until smooth and chocolaty :)  

Dip the balls in this chocolate and place them on a tray lined with baking paper so that the frosting hardens. Put them in the fridge until set, then coat them in: coconut flour, desiccated coconut, cocoa. Store them in the fridge :) Enjoy! !

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