Am pentru voi o reteta incredibil de buna de trufe Ferrero Rocher keto! Daaaaaa, sunt absolut delicioase, super ciocolatoase, atat de apropiate de gustul celor din comert, insa FARA zahar, gluten, cereale, E-uri, and so on :) Un desert plin de ciocolata care e SI extrem de hranitor! Si ca tot vin 1 si 8 martie, va trebuie doar o cutie draguta si cu aceste trufe eu zic ca puteti pregati un cadou homemade comestibil suuuper tare :) (12 trufe mari a cate 4g carbs net si 103 cal)
Ingrediente (12-15 buc):
- 150g alune de padure
- 100g ciocolata amaruie fara zahar (aceasta imi place)
- 70g unt topit/ulei de cocos
- 40g eritritol
- 1 lg cacao
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 12-15 alune de padure intregi
Topim ciocolata si untul sau uleiul de cocos, amestecam bine tot. In robotul de bucatarie sau blenderul de mare putere mixam amestecul de ciocolata, 100g alunele de padure tocate grosier, indulcitorul, pudra de cacao si vanilia. Cred ca merge si putina esenta de rom :)
Mixam pana obtinem o sarlota delicioasa :) O transferam intr-un bol si o introducem in congelator pana se intareste suficient cat sa putem modela bombonelele.
Luam cu o lingurita din compozitie, modelam o bila si introducem cate 1 aluna de padure inauntru, apoi tavalim bomboana prin restul de alune de padure macinate grosier.
Mie mi-au iesit 12 bombonele cam mari, mergeau mai mici si mai delicate, dar ce mai conteaza la cat de bune sunt :)) GE-NI-A-LE, pofta maaaaare! :)
I’ve got a super delicious keto Ferrero Rocher truffle recipe for you! Yesssss, they are so amazing, super delicious, full of chocolate, so similar tot he original, but so much healthier: sugar free, grain free, gluten free, additive free and son on :) And if you get a cute box, you can prepare the cutest 1st and 8th of March homemade edible gift :)
Ingredients (12-15 pcs):
- 150 g hazelnuts
- 100 g sugar free dark chocolate
- 70 g melted butter/ coconut oil
- 40 g erythritol
- 1 tbsp cocoa
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 12-15 whole hazelnuts
Melt the chocolate and butter or coconut oil, mix well. In a high speed blender or food processor, add the chocolate mix, 100 g of the roughly chopped hazelnuts, sweetener, cocoa and vanilla. I think a little rum essence would be great, too :)
Mix until you get a lovely creamy chocolate spread :) transfer to a bowl and place in the freezer until set. Spoon the mixture into balls, add 1 hazelnut in the center, roll them into balls and then coat them in the leftover chopped hazelnuts.
I got 12 big truffles, but you can make them smaller and more delicate :) Store them in the fridge, they are just so AMAZING! Enjoy!