Ce rontati bun cand va e pofta de dulce? Va recomand aceasta gustare energizanta si sanatoasa de post: trufe raw cu caise. Se fac foarte usor, robotul de bucatarie face toata treaba, iar daca le ambalati intr-o cutie draguta pot fi un cadou minunat de sarbatori, in locul traditionalelor bomboane de ciocolata din comert :)

Ingrediente (12 buc):

Procesam in robotul de bucatarie caisele, curmalele si migdalele pana obtinem o bila lipicioasa. Aveti grija sa nu mixati prea mult, nu trebuie sa obtinem o pasta, ci un aluat lipicios cu bucatele mici de migdale. Modelam bilute pe care le tavalim prin fulgii de cocos. Se pastreaza in frigider. Pofta mare! :)


What do you nibble on when craving for a treat? I recommend this healthy energizing snack: raw apricot truffles. They’re easy to make, the food processor does all the work, and if you put them in a cute box they make a lovely Christmas gift, instead of the classic store bought chocolates :)

Ingredients (12 pcs):

  • 120 g dehydrated apricots
  • 100 g pitted dates
  • 30 g raw almonds
  • 25 g coconut flakes

Process the apricots, dates and almond in the food processor. be careful not to over-mix, you don’t want to get a paste, but a sticky dough ball, with small almonds pieces. Mold the balls and roll them into the coconut flakes. Store in the fridge. Enjoy!

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