Raffaello in varianta raw dulce-acrisoara :) Sau trufe raw cu cocos si lamaie. Bune de tot si atat de simplu de facut… Cu acest gen de minunatii ii veti pacali pe cei mici sa manance un dulce sanatos fara sa strambe din nas :)
- 2 cani de fulgi de cocos (din care 1/2 pentru tavalit bombonelele) (200g)
- 1 cana de caju crud (140g)
- 4 lg ulei de cocos
- 4 lg sirop de agave
- zeama si coaja de la 1 lamaie (bio, daca se poate)
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 1 praf de sare
Introducem toate ingredientele (mai putin 1/2 cana de fulgi de cocos) in robotul de bucatarie si procesam bine, apoi modelam bilute si le tavalim prin cocosul ramas. Produsele mi-au fost oferite de Biobunatati, multumesc draga Olivia! :) Pofta mare!
*Reteta inspirata de aici
Raffaello truffles in the sweet&sour version :) Or raw lemon&coconut truffles. So good and so easy to make… These delights will help you trick the kids into eating a healthy dessert without making a weary face :)
- 2 cups coconut flakes (from which 1/2 cup for coating) (200g)
- 1 cup raw cashews (140g)
- 4 tbsp coconut oil
- 4 tbsp agave syrup
- zest and juice of one lemon (organic, if possible)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 pinch of salt
Process all the ingredients in the food processor, then form small balls with your hands and roll them in the left coconut flakes. Enjoy!