Am o super reteta pentru pitici, din gama retetelor mele mai inedite, sa nu le zic ciudate, (but they are, you know it and I know it :)) Turta dulce cu cartof dulce. Nu imi vine sa cred ca abia acum mi-a venit ideea, combinatia e super aromata si perfecta pentru cei mici. Ilincai i-au placut tare mult si a devenit extrem de selectiva cu mancarea lately :))
Ingrediente (aprox 30 de buc) :
- 300g faina
- 150g cartof dulce
- 100g miere*
- 90g unt
- 2 lgt condimente pentru turta dulce (gasiti aici, la Lidl sau il puteti prepara singuri – reteta aici)
- 1 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
Decojim cartoful dulce, il taiem cubulete si il fierbem pana intra furculita usor in el. Il punem intr-un bol si il pasam cu furculita sau ustensila pentru piure, adaugam apoi untul taiat cubulete si restul ingredientelor.
Framantam bine cu degetele pana obtinem un aluat maleabil, pe care il transferam pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina. Il intindem cu facaletul intr-un strat grosut, de vreo 5mm si decupam formele dorite.
Transferam biscuitii pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si ii coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C cam 13-15 min, in functie de grosime, pana se rumenesc foarte putin la baza. Ii lasam sa se raceasca in tava, apoi ii savuram :) Se pastreaza foarte bine intr-o cutie metalica pentru biscuiti. Pofta mare!
*Mierea este interzisa copiilor sub 1 an.
I’ve got a super baby/toddler/kid-friendly recipe for you, it’s one of my „special” collection (not to say weird, but they are :)))) Sweet potato gingerbread. I can’t believe I came up with the idea only now, the combo is so delicious and full of flavor :) Ilinca loved it and she really became picky with food :))
Ingredients (approx 30 pcs) :
- 300 g flour
- 150 g sweet potato
- 100 g honey*
- 90 g butter
- 2 tsp gingerbread spice mix (store bought or made after this recipe)
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Peel the sweet potato, chop it and boil it until tender. Place it in a bowl, mash it with a fork or potato masher, then add the chopped butter and rest of the ingredients.
Knead the dough with your fingers until a ball of dough forms, transfer it on a surface dusted with flour. Roll into a 5 mm thick sheet and cut out the desired shapes.
Transfer the cookies on a tray lined with baking paper and bake them in the preheated oven at 180 C for about 13-15 min, depending on the size, until they turn just a little brownish on the edges. Let them cool in the tray, then serve them. They store well in a cookie tin box :) Enjoy!
Oare cum ar ieși cu făină de ovăz/migdale?
Buna Diana, ar trebui sa iasa destul de ok, poate doar aluatul un pic mai faramicios si mai putin maleabil (mai ales la cea de migdale) ;) O zi frumoasa!