Sarbatorile vinnnn si vreau sa va arat reteta mea de turta dulce de post, super frageda, usor crocanta la exterior si moale in mijloc, dulce si aromata, e atat buna! :)


Taiem cubulete untul vegetal si punem toate ingredientele intr-un bol. Framantam fie cu degetele, fie cu o ustensila pentru aluat ca aceasta. Textura este foarte nisipioasa la inceput, dar NU va speriati, perseverati ca se va face lumina :))

Transferam compozitia pe o folie alimentara, o mai framantam putin si ii dam o forma rotunda, apoi asezam bila de aluat intre 2 foi de copt. Intindem aluatul cu sucitorul si decupam formele dorite cu niste forme pudrate cu faina.

Mie mi-au iesit 11 omuleti si 16 bilute, pentru ca mi s-a parut apoi mai usor sa fac bilute si sa le aplatizez :) Transferam usor si cu grija turta dulce pe o tava tapetata cu fartie de copt si coacem totul cam 17-18 min, pana e foarte putin rumena pe margini.

Pofta mare la aceasta super turta dulce de post! :) *Acesta e reteta mea pentru amestec de condimente pt turta dulce.

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Holidays are cominggg and I want to show you my vegan gingerbread recipe, super tender, just a little crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, it’s super delish! :)

  • 300 g flour
  • 50 g ground walnuts
  • 200 g Naturli vegan butter
  • 150 g coconut sugar
  • 4 tbsp maple syrup (60 ml)
  • 3 tsp gingerbread spice mix
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Cut the vegan butter into cubes, add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well, either with your fingers or with a dough cutter like the one in the photos. It will be very crumbly at first, fear not and don’t give up :))))

Transfer the mixture on a clingfilm and mold into a ball of dough. Place it between 2 pieces of baking paper and roll, then cut out the desired cookies. I got 11 gingerbread cookies and 16 balls, because I discovered it was easier to form balls and flatten them :)) Bake for 17-18 min until just a little tender on the edges. Enjoy!

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