Sarbatorile de iarna parca nu sunt complete fara retetele specifice sezonului, cum ar fi cozonac, turta dulce, vin fiert, fursecuri de toate felurile… Azi v-am pregatit varianta low-carb, fara zahar si fara gluten de fursecuri din turta dulce, super fragede si aromate! :) Sarbatori minunate alaturi de cei dragi!
Ingrediente (30 de buc):
- 200g faina de migdale
- 30g faina de cocos
- 1 ou
- 100g unt
- 4 lg indulcitor pudra
- 2 lgt condimente pentru turta dulce (reteta aici)
Mixam bine untul cu indulcitorul, adaugam apoi oul si celelalte ingrediente. Framantam bine aluatul, formam o bila, o invelim in folie si o introducem in frigider 30 min, pana se intareste putin. Scoatem aluatul si il intindem cu sucitorul intre 2 hartii de copt, intr-un strat nu foarte subtire.
Decupam cu diverse forme biscuitei din turta dulce si ii asezam cu grija (sunt destul de fragili) pe o tava intinsa tapetata cu hartie de copt. Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C pentru aprox 12 min sau pana se rumenesc putin pe margini. Lasam turta dulce sa se raceasca in tava, pentru ca e fragila calda, dupa racire se intareste perfect :) Pofta mare!
The winter holidays are almost incomplete without certain recipes like sweet bread, gingerbread, mulled wine, all sorts of cookies… Today I prepared low-carb, sugar and gluten-free gingerbread, super tasty and tender! :)
Ingredients (30 pcs):
- 200 g almond meal
- 30 g coconut flour
- 1 egg
- 100 g butter
- 4 tbsp powdered sweetener
- 2 tsp gingerbread spice mix (recipe here)
Mix well the softened butter and sweetener, then add the egg and rest of the ingredients and knead everything well into a ball of dough. Wrap the ball in clingfilm and place in the fridge to harden for about 30 min. Roll the dough between 2 sheets of baking paper into a medium thickness layer.
Cut out gingerbread cookies using desired shapes, gently place them on a tray lined with baking paper (they are a little fragile) and bake for 12 min in the preheated oven at 170 C, or until slightly brownish on the edges. Let them cool completely on the tray, as they are still fragile while warm, when completely chilled they become nice and firm :) Enjoy!