Turta dulce pentru copii. Imi place foarte mult turta dulce, e atat de aromata si mi se pare un desert perfect pentru iarna, mai ales de facut cadou de sarbatori :) Azi am facut biscuiti din turta dulce in varianta pentru pitici, indulcita cu miere si curmale. Ilinca s-a distrat de minune decupand biscuiteii cu diverse forme si au iesit atat de buni ca trebuie si voi sa incercati aceasta reteta de sarbatori :)
Ingrediente (aprox 40 de buc) :
- 350g faina
- 50g nuci macinate*
- 100g curmale fara samburi
- 100g miere
- 125g unt
- 3 lgt mix condimente pentru turta dulce (gasiti aici, la Lidl sau il puteti prepara singuri – reteta aici)
- 1 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
- 3-4 lg apa rece
Mixam in robotul de bucatarie mierea, curmalele si untul, pana obtinem o crema. Daca sunt prea tari curmalele, hidratati-le putin inainte si scurgeti-le inainte de utilizare. Separat intr-un bol mare amestecam faina cu nuca macinata, bicarbonatul de sodiu si condimentele pentru turta dulce.
Adaugam in bol amestecul lichid si omogenizam bine totul cu o spatula, apoi cu mainile, adaugand cam 3-4 linguri de apa rece pana obtinem o consistenta omogena. Transferam aluatul lipicios obtinut pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina si il framantam bine pana e maleabil.
Il intindem intr-o foaie groasa cam de 5-6 mm, decupam formele dorite si le transfera pe o tava intinsa tapetata cu hartie de copt. Coacem biscuitii la 180C timp de aprox 18 min, in functie de grosime, pana se rumenesc foaaarte putin pe margini, la baza. Se pastreaza in recipiente inchise, pentru a nu se intari. Sunt si mai buni dupa 1-2 zile si tin chiar si 2 sapt :) Pofta mare la turta dulce pentru copii!
*Merg si migdale macinate fin; nucile si migdalele dau consistenta turtei dulci :) Baby-friendly: pentru copiii sub 1 an omiteti mierea si folositi doar curmale, dar oferiti-le cu masura, curmalele au destule zaharuri.
I totally love gingerbread, it seems like a perfect winter treat, so full of flavor and also great as a homemade gift :) Today I made a kid friendly version, sweetened with honey and dates. Ilinca had so much fun cutting out the shapes :) Do try these recipe these winter holidays!
Ingredients (aprox 40 pcs) :
- 350 g flour
- 50 g ground walnuts
- 100 g pitted dates
- 100 g honey
- 125 g butter
- 3 tsp gingerbread spice mix (store bought or homemade – recipe here)
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 3-4 tbs cold water
Process the honey, dates and butter until smooth. If the dates are too hard, soak them before and use them drained. Separately mix the flour, ground walnuts, baking soda and spices.
Add the dry mixture into the bowl and mix well with a spatula, then knead using your hand and adding about 3-4 tbsp cold water until the dough is homogeneous and smooth. Transfer on a surfaced dusted with flour and knead until easy to mold.
Roll the dough in a 5-6 mm thick sheet and cut out the desired shapes. Transfer the cookies on a large try lined with baking paper and bake them for about 18 min at 180 C, depending on the thickness, until they turn just a little brownish on the edges.
Store them in air tight containers, so that they don’t become hard. They’re even better after 1-2 days and last for up to 2 weeks :) Enjoy!