Un desert iubit si aromat perfect pentru sarbatorile de iarna: turta dulce pufoasa cu glazura :) O puteti face din timp pentru ca devine chiar mai buna dupa cateva zile si poate fi un cadou homemade tare dragut, mai veti aici multe alte sugestii similare :)
Ingrediente (20 buc):
- 120g zahar brun nerafinat melasa
- 100g miere
- 100g unt
- 2 oua
- 400g faina
- 3 lgt mix condimente pentru turta dulce (gasiti aici, la Lidl sau va puteti prepara singuri amestecul dupa reteta aceasta)
- 1/2 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
- 1 praf de sare
- glazura: 100g indulcitor pudra, 3 lg lapte
Punem pe foc intr-o craticioara mierea, zaharul brun si untul, amestecand bine pana la dizolvarea zaharului si topirea untului, dupa care punem amestecul la racit.
Separat intr-un bol mare amestecam faina cu un praf de sare, bicarbonatul de sodiu si condimentele pentru turta dulce. Adaugam in bol ouale batute, amestecul lichid si omogenizam bine totul cu o spatula.
Transferam aluatul lipicios obtinut pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina si il framantam bine. Formam bilute de aluat (de aprox 40g), le asezam pe o tava mare tapetata cu hartie de copt cu putina distanta intre ele, le aplatizam foarte putinsi le coacem la 180C timp de 15 min (nu mai mult!).
Amestecam indulcitorul pudra cu putin lapte pana obtinem o glazura lucioasa, apoi cufundam varful fiecarei bucati de turta dulce prin aceasta glazura. Pofta mare!
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A special flavored dessert that’s perfect for the winter holidays: fluffy glazed gingerbread :) You can make it ahead, because it becomes even better in a few days and it can be a super cute homemade gift :)
Ingredients (20 pcs):
- 120 g unrefined brown molasses sugar
- 100 g honey
- 100 g butter
- 2 eggs
- 400 g all purpose white flour
- 3 tsp gingerbread spice mix (recipe here)
- 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate
- 1 pinch of salt
- glaze: 100g powdered sweetener, 3 tbsp milk
In a small saucepan over medium heat dissolve the butter, sugar and honey, stirring, then set aside. In a large separate bowl combine the flour with a pinch of salt, sodium bicarbonate and spice mix.
Add the beaten eggs and wet mixture and combine everything well with a spatula. Transfer the sticky dough on a floured surface, knead the dough and shape a ball out of it.
Form small balls (about 40 g), place them on a tray lined with baking paper, flatten them very little and bake at 180 C for maximum 15 min. Beat the powdered sweetener and milk until smooth and silky, then dip the peak of the gingerbread pieces in this coating. Enjoy!