Mereu mi-a placut la nebunie turta dulce si a fost o guilty pleasure de-a mea :) Si mare mi-a fost bucuria cand am descoperit in cartea Oliviei Steer, „Dulciuri de poveste”, o reteta sanatoasa de turta dulce, cu o poza ademenitoare si un basm pe masura :)
Eu am adaugat si caju, mai multe mirodenii, unt de cocos si am rumenit-o putin de tot la cuptor. Si fara modestie vreau sa va spun ca turta mea dulce a iesit fan-tas-ti-ca, numai buna de impachetat frumos si pus in ghetutele copiilor cuminti :D


Rasnim migdalele si nucile caju pana devin aproape ca o faina, apoi adaugam mierea, uleiul de cocos, apa si mirodeniile. Framantam bine aluatul cu mana si il intindem pe o hartie de copt.

Taiem cu diverse forme pentru turta dulce sau biscuiti. Introducem la cuptor la foc mic pentru aprox 10 min, pana se intaresc si rumenesc putin. Pofta mare!


I’ve always loved ginger bread, it’s been one of my guilty pleasures :) So I was so thrilled to discover in Olivia Steer’s book, „Fairy tale sweets”, a healthy recipe with a tempting photo and, of course, a fairy tale :) I added cashew and more spices, coconut butter and I cooked mine just a little in the oven. And I must say my ginger bread turned out amazing, perfect for packing and putting in the shoes of well behaved children :D


  • 150 g raw almonds
  • 150 g raw cashew
  • 3 tbsp honey (or maple, agave syrup)
  • 2-3 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tsp gingerbread spice mix (recipe here)

Ground the almonds and cashew into flour, then add the honey, coconut oil, water and spices. Combine these ingredients and mix them until you get a soft dough that you roll on baking paper.

Use a ginger bread or cookie cutter to make nice shapes and bake them for about 10 min at low heat, until they harden a little and turn crisp. Enjoy!

4 Comments on Turta dulce vegana / Vegan ginger bread

    • Multumesc frumos, Catalina! :) Cred ca poti folosi, dar va schimba mult gustul :) O zi frumoasa si sarbatori fericite!

  1. Can I use fresh ginger or does it have to be the powder version? Thank you very much for your healthy recipes. Love them soon much

    • Dear Diana, I haven’t tried this recipe with freshly ground ginger, but it should be ok, I don’t think it can go wrong… :) Thank you so much for your kind words! Have a lovely day! :)

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