La multi ani, 2017! Sa avem cu totii un an nou plin de iubire, sanatate si fericire! :) Incepem fresh cu o reteta sanatoasa de unt clarifiat. Acesta se obtine prin fierbere indelungata la foc mic, prin separarea grasimilor de partile solide si apa. Untul clarifiat e un super aliment, contime multe vitamine, A, D, E, K, cazeina, principala proteina a laptelui este indepartata, putand fi consumat si de cei cu intoleranta la lactoza si atinge temperaturi mult mai inalte fara sa se arda.


  • 300g unt bio 80% grasime, nesarat

Taiem untul cubulete si il punem pe foc intr-o cratita de calitate, cu fund gros. Amestecam usor pana untul de topeste, apoi micsoram flacara si il lasam sa fiarba incet la foc mic. Se va forma o spuma bogata albicioasa.

Lasam untul sa fiarba pana spuma devine din ce in ce mai fina si subtire, iar bulele devin din ce in ce mai mari si maivbine definite. Partile solide din unt vor incepe sa se lipeasca de margini, noi le vom da jos cu lingura usor, pentru a le ajuta sa se duca la fund. Untul va deveni din ce in ce mai limpede, bulele mai mari si spuma fina va disparea, iar untul va capata o culoarea aurie-maronie frumoasa. Suntem aproape de final cand apare a 2a tura de spuma, cu bulbuci mari, care se vor transforma repede intr-o spuma fina. In acest moment, untul e gata, oprim flacara si il lasam 1 minut, apoi il strecuram printr-o sita in care am pus un tifon sau un finet.

Turnam untul intr-un borcan si il lasam sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei cateva ore, apoi il introducem in frigider. Se foloseste exact ca si untul obisnuit, la gatit, in preparate sau mancat ca atare pe paine. Are o aroma deosebita si e foarte sanatos :) Pofta mare!

*Reteta pas cu pas ilustrata aici


Happy new year, 2017! May we all have a year full of love, health and happiness! :) Let’s start fresh with a healthy recipe of ghee, clarified butter. You get ghee by long simmering butter over low heat, by separating the fat from the solids and water. Ghee is a super food, it contains lots of vitamins, A, D, E, K, and casein, the main protein of milk is removed, so that lactose intolerant people can consume ghee as well and it has a higher burning point.


  • 300 g unsalted 80% fat organic butter

Cut the butter into cubes and melt in a tick bottom saucepan. Gently stir until the butter is melted, then reduce the heat and let it simmer. A rich white foam will be formed.

Let the butter simmer until the foam becomes clearer and lighter, and the bubbles large and better defined. The solids will start to stick to the sides, gently scrape them down with a wooden spoon, to help them go to the bottom of the pan. As the bottom becomes clearer, the large bubbles and foam will disappear and the butter will have a beautiful golden brown color. We’re close to the end when the 2nd foam appears, with large clear bubbles that will quickly turn into a fine foam. That’s when the butter is ready, turn the heat off, let it sit for 1 min, then strain with a strainer and a dense cloth.

Pour the butter in a jar and let it chill at room temperature for several hours, then store in the fridge. Use it exactly like regular butter, when cooking, baking or simply spread it on bread. It has a lovely flavor and it’s really healthy :) Enjoy!

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