Desertul meu super rapid si sanatos a avut mare succes pe blog :) La fel ca multe alte retete cu unt de arahide, asa ca am zis ca trebuie sa va zic cum mi-l fac eu in casa, in varianta raw. E tare gustos, sanatos (muulta vitamina E, bun pentru piele deci) si are cred sute de utilizari: pe paine prajita cu banane si miere, ca topping, in inghetate, torturi, smoothieuri, creme, budinci, clatite… Si e aur curat in deserturile raw :)


  • 400g arahide crude fara coaja

Introducem in blenderul de mare putere arahidele crude si mixam bine pana obtinem o crema fina. Aveti un tutorial video aici. Se poate folosi si un robot de bucatarie (nu blender normal) cu putere de 1000W, iata aici un exemplu. Il pastram in frigider intr-un borcanas de sticla bine inchis. Si uite asa avem unt de arahide raw. Simplu si delicios! :)

P.S. – Multumesc draga Andie, ca m-ai invatat sa folosesc Vitamixul corect! :)


My super fast and healthy dessert was a major success :) Just like many other peanut butter recipes, so I thought I’d tell you how I make my own raw version. It’s so delicious, healthy (lots of vitamin E, so great for the skin) and I think you can use it in hundreds of recipes: on toast with bananas and honey, as topping, in ice creams, cakes, smoothies, creams, puddings, pancakes… And it’s a treasure in raw desserts :)


  • 400 g raw peeled peanuts

Place the peanuts in the high speed blender and process well until you get a creamy texture. You have a video tutorial here. You can also use a 1000 W food processor (not blender), here’s an example. Pour in a jar and store in the fridge. And that’s how you get raw peanut butter. Simple and delicious! :)

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