Untul de migdale e unul din favoritele mele, il folosesc la multe dulciuri raw, inghetate, il mananc cu fructe, pe paine prajita, cu dulceata… O nebunie! :) In general il fac in Vitamix, dar pentru ca multa lume nu are acest aparat, am incercat azi sa il fac cu robotul de bucatarie. A iesit la fel de bun, doar ca a durat mai mult si s-a incins aparatul :) Enjoy!


  • 200g migdale crude

Punem migdalele in robotul de bucatarie si mixam bine de tot, cu rabdare :) Cand robotul incetineste si pare a mixa in gol, il oprim si luam cu o lingura compozitia de pe peretii vasului.

Mai facem si pauze, sa nu se incinga prea tare aparatul. Oricum se va incinge :) Dupa vreo 10-15 minute, cand consistenta e destul de cremoasa, e gata. Il savuram cum dorim, v-am dat deja cateva idei mai sus :) Pofta mare!


Almond butter is one of my favorite nut butters, I use it in raw sweets, ice creams, I enjoy it with fruit, toast, preserve… So delicious! I usually make it in my Vitamix, but since few people have it, I decided to make it today with a regular food processor. The taste was the sam,e the only difference was that it took longer and the processor got hot :) Enjoy!


  • 200 g raw almonds

Place the almonds in the food processor and start working it :) When the processor slows down, stop it and scrape down the walls. Take some breaks, so that the machine doesn’t get too hot. Anyway it will ): After 10-15 min, when the butter is creamy enough, it’s done. Enjoy it as you like, I gave you some ideas above :)

6 Comments on Unt raw de migdale / Raw almond butter

    • Buna Doina, se pot si hidrata, dar eu nu am facut-o :) Grasimile sanatoase din migdale dau cremozitatea. O zi frumoasa!

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