Am pentru voi o mega bunaciune, stiti acele gofre rotunde umplute cu crema aceea de miere si caramel? Ei bineeeee, le-am facut intr-o varianta keto! Practic am combinat reteta de rulouri umplute cu mascarpone si umplutura de la caramelele mele keto, tantaaaa, iata ce adevarat dezmat! :)

Vafe (12 buc):


Cantariti toate ingredientele in grame, asa e reteta originala si asa am masurat si eu. Punem intr-un bol toate ingredientele si le mixam bine cu un tel. Compozitia obtinuta e fluida, putin mai groasa ca cea de clatite.

In aparatul de facut saratele/conuri de inghetata preincalzit punem doar cate 1 lingura din compozitie, il inchidem si il lasam sa isi faca treaba timp de aprox 2 min, sau pana vafa obtinuta e rumena.

Pentru caramel punem pe foc intr-o craticioara nonaderenta untul indulcitorul rasnit pudra (eu la blender il fac pudra :) si smantana lichida. Fierbem totul amestecand constant timp de aprox 20-25 de min.

Culoarea se va schimba din auriu in maroniu deschis, apoi mai inchis. Cand caramelul e gata, punem din el cate o lingura pe fiecare vafa si asezam inca o vafa deasupra. Le servim imediat, sunt dementiale!


I’ve got a super treat for you, you know those dutch caramel filled waffles? Wellll, I have them in keto version! I just combined my keto mascarpone cannoli and the filling from my keto caramels, tadaaaa, look at what a decadent dessert! :)

Wafers (12 pcs):

  • 1 egg (55g)
  • 40 g almond flour
  • 20 g coconut oil / melted butter
  • 20g almond milk
  • 30 g erythritol
  • 1/4 tsp xantan gum
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  • 50 g butter
  • 50g powdered erythritol (or tagatose, xylitol)
  • 50g heavy cream

First weigh all the ingredients in grams, this is the original recipe and this is how I measured them. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk until smooth, the mixture should be fluid, slightly thicker than crepe dough.

In the preheated cone maker, place 1 tablespoon of the dough in the center, close the lid and let it cook for about 2 min or until the waffle is nice and golden brown.

For the caramel place the heavy cream, powdered sweetener (I turn mine into powder using the blender) and butter in a saucepan over low heat and simmer for about 20-25 min, always stirring. The mixture will turn from light golden to light brown, then medium brown

When the caramel is ready, place 1 tablespoon of caramel on a wafer, opt with another wafer and continue. Serve them right away, they are soo yummy! :)

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