Se apropie Anul Nou cu pasi repezi si eu zic sa va dati pe spate invitatii cuuuuu… Crema de whisky de casa. Sau Irish cream. Oricum i-ati spune, e suuuper buna, iar aceasta reteta e low carb, FARA zahar si fara prostioare :) Yei! Cine o mai adauga in meniul din 31 decembrie? Succesul e garantat!
- 500ml smantana lichida neindulcita*
- 100g Green Sugar Gold
- 1 lgt cafea instant
- 1 lg cacao de calitate
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 250ml whisky
Super simplu de facut: incalzim pe foc smantana, indulcitorul, vanilia, pudra de cacao si cafeaua instant. Merge orice indulcitor, insa Green Sugar Gold are o aroma super de caramel care se potriveste perfect acestei bauturi :) Si 0 calorii, 0 indice glicemic.
Amestecam cu un tel pana ajunge la punctul de fierbere si toate se dizolva. Fierbem apoi cam 7-10min, la foc mic. Apoi adaugam whisky-ul, mai amestecam putin si gata. Turnam crema intr-o sticla de sticla si o tinem in frigider. Rezista cateva zile bune. Daca „rezista”, if you know what I mean :)) Hai noroc!
*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, Artesana si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)
*Reteta preluata de aici.
New Year is right around the corner and I say you should amaze your guests wiiiiiith… Homemade Irish cream. Or Bailey’s. Whatever you call it, it’s super delicious, and this version is also sugar-free, low carb and without any suspicious ingredients :) Yei! Who else is going to add this on their menu for the 31st of December? :)
- 500 ml heavy cream, unsweetened
- 100 g brown sugar stevia substitute
- 1 tsp instant coffee
- 1 tbsp good cocoa powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 250 ml whiskey
Super simple to make: bring to a boil in a saucepan the heavy cream, cocoa, sweetener vanilla and instant coffee. Whisk until smooth and simmer for 7-10 min.
Add the whiskey, mix well and let it chill. Pour in a glass bottle and store in the fridge. Cheers! :)