Iubesc toamna, iar cand e rece afara imi place sa fac ceva bun in bucatarie, si anume sa parfumez intreaga casa cu un desert cald si aromat de sezon :) Cum ar fi aceste delicioase gutui umplute la cuptor. Pentru ca nu degeaba se spune ca Less is more :)

Ingrediente (6 portii):

  • 3 gutui mari
  • sucul de la 1 lamaie
  • 60g unt*/ulei de cocos
  • 6 lgt miere
  • 6 lgt stafide
  • 6 lgt fulgi de migdale
  • 1 lgt scortisoara
  • smantana sau frisca (de cocos) pt servit

Spalam gutuile, le taiem in jumatate si le scobim miezul, adica doar cotorul si partea tare. Le asezam pe o tava si le stropim cu zeama de lamaie.

Punem in centrul fiecarei jumatati de gutuie cate un cub de unt, o lingurita de miere, o lingurita de stafide, o lingurita de fulgi de migdale.

Presaram cat un praf de scortisoara peste gutui si le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C timp de aprox 35-40 de min, pana intra furculita usor in ele. Sunt excelente servite caldute cu frisca sau smantana :) Pofta mare!

*Baby friendly: sub varsta de 1 an omiteti mierea. Vegan/Dairy-free: folositi ulei de cocos in loc de unt si frisca de cocos in loc de smantana.


I am an autumn lover and when it’s cold outside I like to bake a warm dessert full of flavor to match this wonderful season :) Like these amazing roasted stuffed quinces. Because they don’t say Less is more for no reason :)

Ingredients (6 servings):

  • 3 large quinces
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 60 g butter /coconut oil
  • 6 tsp honey
  • 6 tsp raisins
  • 6 tsp almond flakes
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • sour cream or (coconut) whipped cream for serving

Wash the quinces, cut them in half and spoon out the hard center. Place them on a tray and drizzle lemon juice on them. Place in the center of each half a cube of butter, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of raisins, a teaspoon of almond flakes.

Sprinkle cinnamon on them and bake them for about 35-40 min at 180 C until a forks pokes them easily. They’re excellent served warm with whipped cream or sour cream :) Enjoy !

*Baby friendly: skip the honey for kids under 1. Vegan/ Dairy-free: use coconut oil instead of butter and coconut whipped cream for serving.

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