Un mic dejun super dragut si usor de tinut in manute mici si pufoase: briose omleta la multicookerul Crockpot Express. Forma de silicon pentru mini gustari de la CrockPot e absolut geniala si de o calitate excelenta. Veti avea mare succes la copii cu orice gatiti bun in ea :) Acestor briose omleta le puteti adauga ce va place in compozitie*: masline taiate, ardei gras, porumb, noua ne plac foarte mult cu ciuperci si verdeata :)
Ingrediente (7 buc):
- 4 oua medii
- 35g parmezan ras fin
- 40g ciuperci* (din borcan)
- patrunjel sau marar
- ulei pentru uns forma
Aveti o extra reducere de 10% cu codul Madeline10 pentru multicookerul CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune, cat si pentru restul gamei, pe siteul CrockPot Romania, valabil pana la 31 martie 2021! :) Nu uitati si de special dedicata acestui multicooker, o gasiti AICI.
Mod de preparare
Batem bine ouale (am avut oua de rata), adaugam parmezanul ras fin (pentru copii mici mici merge un cas proaspat, nesarat), adaugam ciupercile uscate si tocate marunt si patrunjelul. Sunt f bune si cu marar :)
Ungem forma minune cu ulei si turnam compozitia in ea. Punem 250ml apa in vasul multicookerului, adaugam grilajul acestuia si punem forma de silicon infasurata in folie de aluminiu.
Gatim briosele omleta 10 min pe Manual, High Pressure, apoi eliberam presiunea dupa ce am pus un prosopel pe capac, pentru a nu stropi. Le rasturam si le savuram, sunt bune si calde si reci :) Pofta mare!
Mai multe retete la multicookerul CrockpotExpress cu gatire sub presiune gasiti aici.
A super cute and delicious breakfast perfect for tiny hands: pressure cooker omelet muffins. The CrockPot silicon snack mold is great and very high quality. You will make delicious things the kids will love :) For these omelet muffins you can use your favorite add-ins*: chopped olives, pepper, corn, we really like them with mushrooms and herbs :)
Ingredients (7 pcs):
- 4 medium eggs
- 35g finely grated parmesan
- 40g mushrooms* (canned)
- parsley or dill
- oil for greasing the mold
Beat the eggs (I used ducks eggs), add the grated parmesan (for very small babies use fresh unsalted cheese), ad the diced mushrooms and chopped parsley. They go great with dill, too :)
Grease the mold with oil and pour the mixture evenly into each cavity, then wrap it in aluminum foil. Put 250ml water in the CrockPot, add te rack and place the mold on the it.
Cook the omelet muffins for 10 min on Manual, High Pressure, then release the pressure after you’ve put a kitchen cloth on the lid, carefully, with a spatula. Flip the muffins and enjoy, they are delicious both hot and cold :)
Codul de reducere nu poate fi folosit, se pare ca este expirat
Buna Anca, mersi ca mi-ai semnalat, iau eu legatura cu ei acum sa il actualizeze.
Anca, merge din nou codul acum :) O zi frumoasa!