O reteta de aperitiv perfect de intins de paine, crackers, legume proaspete: pasta de sardine si ou. E foarte gustoasa, hranitoare, sardinele continand calciu si Omega 3, si foarte usor de facut, va trebuie doar un blender. Am savurat-o pe o felie de paine rustica proaspata, miammmm (reteta aici), dar merge excelent si cu legume sau crackers low carb (aveti retete aici, aici, aici sau aici :)


  • 2 conserve de sardine (180g net)
  • 1 ou fiert
  • 1/2 ceapa rosie
  • 1 cub de unt (25g)
  • sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
  • sare, piper

Scurgem bine sardinele de ulei sau de sucul propriu, depinde de care aveti, curatam oul fiert de coaja si introducem toate ingredientele in blender, eu le-am pasat bine bine cu blenderul vertical.

E bine sa adaugati ceapa tocata cubulete la sfarsit, pentru putina textura, dar e optional :) Se serveste imediat pe painea preferata prajita, legume sau crackers. Eu am pus pasta cu ajutorul unui pos cu varf stelat, sa arate mai festiv :) Pofta mare!


A perfect spread recipe, great on toast, crackers or veggies: Sardine egg spread. It’s very tasty, nutritious, sardines contain Omega 3 and calcium and super easy to make, you just need a blender. I ate this on a fresh rustic bread slice (recipe here), but it goes great with low carb crackers (you have recipes here, here, here or here :)


  • 2 cans of sardines (180g, net weight)
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1 butter cube (25g)
  • juice from 1/2 lemon
  • salt, pepper

Drain well the sardines of the oil or brine, peel the egg and just put everything in the blender, I mashed the spread with a vertical blender.

It’s good to add the diced onion in the end, to keep some texture, but not necessarily :) Serve on your favorite bread, toast or crackers. I piped it with a piping bag to look festive :) Enjoy!

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