Chiftelute marinate la multicooker. Vremea asta rece si mohorata ne-a facut super pofta de niste comfort food: chiftelute marinate cu piure, asa ca am pus multicookerul meu la treaba :) Mama, mamaaaa ce bunatate a iesit, repede si simplu. Am facut 2 variante de piure, unul de cartof si unul de conopida, mai low carb asa :)
- 500g carne tocata*
- 1 morcov
- 1 ceapa
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 ou
- cateva fire de patrunjel
- 1 lgt mix de legume uscate pt mancaruri
- sare, piper*
- 3 lg ulei de masline
- 350ml suc de rosii
- 2 lg otet din cidru de mere
- 1 lg indulcitor*
- 1 lgt mix de legume uscate pt mancaruri
- 2 frunze de dafin
- sare, piper*
Mod de preparare:
Curatam ceapa si cateii de usturoi, decojim morcovul* (omiteti pt varianta keto) apoi le maruntim bine pe toate (si patrunjelul) in robotul de bucatarie. Amestecam bine toate ingredientele pentru chiftelute, mai intai cu o spatula apoi cu mana, sa fim mai practici :)
Modelam chiftelute cat mingea de ping pong. Intre timp punem uleiul in multicooker si setam multicookerul pe Brown/Saute, 10 min High Pressure, fara capac si apasam Start. Cand s-a incins uleiul rumenim chiftelutele pe toate partile, in 2 transe. Eu am pastrat cateva simple, fara sos, sa le rontaim goale :)
Adaugam apoi sosul facut din: suc de rosii, otet, indulcitor, sare, piper, mix de legume uscate, punem deasupra frunzele de dafin. Punem capacul, rotim valva de presiune pe pozitia Inchis si setam multicookerul pe Programul Meat/Stew timp de 17 min, High pressure.
Dupa ce se scurge timpul, lasam aparatul 10 min, apoi il acoperim cu un prosop de bucatarie si eliberam valva de presiune cu o spatula. Am servit chiftelutele cu piure de cartof (Ilinca si iubitul meu) si piure de conopida (eu) :) Pofta mare!
Baby friendly: omiteti sarea si folositi piper cu masura, fiind iritant gastric. Folositi o carne de calitate tocata in casa si sirop de artar in loc de indulcitor la sos.
The rainy coldish weather outside got me craving some comfort food: meatballs with tomato sauce, so I got my pressure cooker doing the work for me :) OMG, this meal was SO delicious, simple and quick. I served the meatballs with 2 mash options, potato and cauliflower for a low carb side dish :)
- 500g minced meat
- 1 carrot*
- 1 onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 egg
- a few parsley threads
- 1 tsp dried veggies food seasoning
- salt, pepper
- 3 tbsp olive oil
Tomato sauce:
- 350ml tomato juice
- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tbsp sweetener
- 1 tsp dried veggies food seasoning
- 2 bay leaves
- salt, pepper
Peel the onion, garlic cloves and carrot (skip carrot for keto version) and process them along with the parsley in the food processor. Mix all the ingredients for the meatballs, first with a spatula, then using your hands, to be more practical :)
Form the meatballs the size of ping pong balls, in the meantime, set the pressure cooker on Brown/Saute, 10 min High Pressure, lid off and press Start. Add the oil and, when it’s hot enough, saute the meatballs on all sides in 2 batches. I saved a few plain ones to nibble on :)
Add the tomato sauce made from: tomato juice, vinegar, sweetener, salt, pepper, dried herbs mix, put the bay leaves on top. Close and secure the lidl, rotate the pressure valve to Closed position and set the pressure cooker on Meat/Stew for 17 min, High pressure, press Start.
When the time’s up, let the multicooker naturally release pressure 10 min, then cover with a kitchen towel and gently release the pressure valve with a spatula. I served these delicious meatballs with mashed potatoes for Ilinca and my husband and with mashed cauliflower for me :) Enjoy!