Pentru ca Mazilique m-a provocat sa prepar ceva delicios pentru cei dragi cu legumele congelate Edenia, m-am gandit la aceasta mancare reconfortanta, tare gustoasa si aromata de post: conopida si broccoli cu sos de caju si topping crocant. Un deliciu sanatos si savuros! :)
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 1 punga de conopida Edenia (450g)
- 1 punga de broccoli Edenia (450 g)
- 1 ceapa mare
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 cana de caju hidratat 2 ore (140g)
- 3 lg fulgi de drojdie inactiva
- 2/3 cana supa clara de legume (170ml)
- 3 lg faina de migdale
Punem la fiert broccoli-ul si conopida 5 minute in apa cu putina sare. Intre timp ne ocupam de sos: calim ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt intr-o tigaie, apoi le introducem in blender alaturi de supa de legume, nucile caju scurse si fulgii de drojdie inactiva.
Mixam bine, adaugand sare dupa gust. Asezam buchetelele de conopida si broccoli intr-o tava termorezistenta si turnam sosul uniform peste ele. Pentru toppingul crocant doar presaram faina de migdale deasupra. Coacem totul 30 de minute, pana se rumeneste frumos, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele 10 minute. Pofta mare!
*Stiati ca legumele Edenia sunt congelate foarte rapid dupa recoltare, astfel incat isi pastreaza mult din proprietati si nutrienti? Mie, in conditiile acestea, cat nu mai e sezonul lor, mi se par mult mai sanatoase fata de cele din supermarket plimbate 100.000 km :)
I bet you are gonna love this warm, comforting meal: cauliflower and broccoli with cashew sauce and crunchy almond topping. A delicious and healthy dish! :)
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 450 g frozen cauliflower
- 450 g frozen broccoli
- 1 large onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 cup cashews soaked for 2 hours (140g)
- 3 tbsp inactive yeast flakes
- 2/3 cup vegetable stock (170ml)
- 3 tbsp almond flour
Boil the broccoli and cauliflower for 5 min in a pot of water with a little salt. Prepare the sauce: saute the copped onion and garlic, then add them to a blender along with the vegetable stock, drained cashews and yeast flakes. Blend well, adding salt to taste.
Place the cauliflower and broccoli on a tray and pour the sauce over them. For the crunchy topping simply sprinkle the almond flour on top. Bake for 30 min, until nicely brownish, with the ventilation on in the last 10 minutes. Enjoy!
o, da…tot cu faina de migdale am facut si eu :)
Buuuun de tot! :)