Crumble-ul este un desert simplu pe baza de fructe si topping crocant. Varianta mea contine indulcitor natural, fulgi de ovaz plini de fibre, scortisoara aromata si fructe acrisoare: mere si merisoare. O portie calda e mega delishas la micul dejun sau ca desert, cu putina frisca, iaurt grecesc sau iaurt vegetal. Crumble de mere si merisoare :)

Ingrediente (4 portii):

Spalam si taiem merele felii, apoi le asezam intr-un vas rotund de yenna, alturi de merisoarele proaspete, si turnam deasupra sucul de portocala.

Preparam toppingul crocant: amestecam fulgii de ovaz cu zaharul, faina de orez, fulgii de cocos, scortisoara si fulgii de cocos. Acestia din urma aduc un plus de dulceata fructelor acrisoare :)

Presaram uniform toppingul peste fructe si coacem crumble-ul aprox 30 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C. Se serveste cald, amestecati ca toppingul sa fie repartizat uniform :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: folositi, optional, putin sirop de artar sau miere, avand in vedere faptul ca mierea se ofera copiilor numai dupa varsta de 1 an, cu masura.


A crumble is a fruit based dessert with crunchy topping. My version contains natural sweetener, oatmeal that is full of fiber, cinnamon and crunchy topping. A warm portion makes a wonderful breakfast or dessert, with whipped cream or Greek yogurt :) Apple cranberry crumble :)

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 4 apples
  • 250 g fresh cranberries
  • 75 g oatmeal
  • 3 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 tbsp rice flour
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp desiccated coconut
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • juice from 1 orange

Wash and slice the apples, then place them in a round oven dish and pour the orange juice over them. Prepare the topping: combine the oatmeal, sugar, rice flour, coconut, cinnamon and coconut oil.

The desiccated coconut will give this dish more sweetness :) Sprinkle the topping all over the fruit and bake for about 30 min at 170 C. Serve warm and mix the topping evenly all over the crumble. Enjoy!

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