Am pentru voi o reteta geniala extrem de versatila: felii confiate de portocala. Puteti decora torturi, prajituri cu ele, le puteti rontai cand vreti ceva dulce, le puteti toca si adauga in pandispanuri si checuri sau, cel mai dragut if you ask me, le puteti pune in pungute dragute si oferi cadou de sarbatori :) Mai mult, aveti drept bonus deliciosul sirop care ramane de la aceasta reteta :)
- 1 portocala
- 400ml apa
- 200g zahar de cocos
- 2 lg miere (sau sirop de artar)
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 50g ciocolata neagra (optional)
Spalam bine portocala, apoi ii indepartam capetele si o feliem subtire. Intr-o tigaie adanca punem apa, zaharul de cocos, mierea si vanilia pe foc, amestecand cu un tel pana la dizolvare. Punem feliile de portocala in tigaie, avand griija sa nu se suprapuna si fierbem totul la foc mic 15 min, apoi le intoarcem si le mai tinem inca 15 min pe foc.
Le scurgem bine si le lasam la racit pe un gratar pe care am pus hartie de copt. Dupa ce s-au racit bine, ideal a doua zi, le scufundam putin in ciocolata neagra de calitate topita la bain marie. Pastram siropul intr-o sticluta si il savuram si pe el cu apa minerala pe post de suc homemade :) Pofta mare!
*Reteta inspirata de aici
I have a brilliant super versatile recipe for you: candied orange slices. You can decorate cakes with them, you can nibble on them when wanting something sweet, you can chop them and ad them to sweet batters or, the cutest thing if you as me, you can wrap them in cute bags and make them holiday gifts :) And as a bonus, you get the delicious syrup from this recipe :)
- 1 orange
- 400 ml water
- 200 g coconut sugar
- 2 tbsp honey (or maple syrup)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 50 g dark chocolate (optional)
Wash the orange well, remove the ends and slice it thinly. In a deep pan add the water, coconut sugar, honey and vanilla and bring to a boil, stirring. After the sugar is dissolved, add the orange slices, trying not to overlap them. Simmer for 15 min, then turn on the other side and let them simmer another 15 min.
Drain the slices well and put them on a rack over baking paper. Let them cool overnight, then dip them a little in melted good dark chocolate. Keep the syrup in a bottle and use as homemade soda just by adding sparkling water :) Enjoy!