Cand nu mai stiu ce sa fac bun in weekend la micul dejun, aparatul de gaufre ma salveaza si ma face sa par MasterChef in fata familiei :D Azi am pregatit un mic dejun satios si gustos: gofre cu malai, servite cu oua ochiuri, mega bunnnn totul si gata foarte repede :) Au fost atat de bune incat am luat 2 la pachet in parc, sa rontaim cand ne apuca foamea dupa atata joaca :)
Ingrediente (12 buc):
- 1/2 cana malai (75g)
- 1/2 cana unt (100g)
- 1 cana lapte (250ml)
- 1 cana faina* (130g)
- 1 lgt praf de copt bio
- 1/2 lgt boia dulce
- 1 ou
- 3/4 cana branza Cheddar rasa (75g)
- cateva fire de patrunjel
Mai intai incalzim aparatul de gaufre, (al meu e acesta) cu 5 minute inainte. Punem 250ml de apa la fiert si adaugam malaiul, amestecand constant pana la ingrosare, lasand-o sa fiarba vreo 2 min. Cand mamaliga e gata adaugam untul taiat cubulete si amestecam bine, iar dupa ce untul s-a topit turnam si laptele.
Separat amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina, praful de copt si pudra de boia. Combinam cele 2 amestecuri, oul, branza rasa si patrunjelul tocat marunt, amestecam bine totul. Vom obtine o compozitie grosuta.
Punem cate 2 linguri din aluat in aparatul de gaufre si il lasam sa isi faca treaba pana sunt gata gaufrele. La aceasta reteta trebuie rumenite destul de bine, pentru ca altfel sunt moi. Le servim calde cu oua, legume, maslime sau ce dorim :) Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: inainte de varsta de 1 an folositi o branza mai nesarata. Merg si cu faina fara gluten. Reteta adaptata de aici.
When I run out of breakfast ideas for the weekend, the waffle maker comes to the rescue and makes me feel like a Master Chef in front of my family :) Today I prepared a super nutritious savory breakfast: cornmeal waffles, served with eggs, super delicious and easy to make. They were so good we took a couple with us in the park :)
Ingredients (12 pcs):
- 1/2 cup cornmeal (75 g)
- 1/2 cup butter (100 g)
- 1 cup milk (250 ml)
- 1 cup flour (130 g)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
- 1 egg
- 3/4 cup grated Cheddar cheese (75 g)
- a few parsley threads
First heat up the waffle maker 5 min earlier. Bring 250 ml water to a boil in a small pan, constantly stirring until it thickens and let it cook for about 2 min. When the polenta is ready, add the butter and stir until dissolved, then pour the milk.
Separately combine the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder and sweet paprika. Combine the 2 mixtures, egg, grated cheese and chopped parsley, mixing everything well. You’ll get a tick batter.
Place 2 tablespoons of the batter into the waffle maker and let it cook until brownish and crisp. These waffles need to be cooked a little more then usual in order to be crispy, otherwise they are too soft. Serve warm with whatever you like :) Enjoy!
Mam incumetat sa le fac,deci brutal,genialeeee
Ma bucur mult ca ti-au placut, Maria! sa stii ca si eu am vrut sa le fac chiar azi :) O seara frumasa!