Am pentru voi cel mai usor si mai rapid martipan de casa, fara zahar, fara gluten si fara chimicale, yei! E super bun, aromat, eu l-am facut sub forma de baton invelit in ciocolata, ca acelea de la Lidl din gama dulciuri de Craciun, insa il puteti modela sub forma de bilute sau ce forme doriti :) Si poate fi si oferit cadou :) Martipan keto.

Ingrediente (1 baton):

Punem intr-un bol faina de migdale, indulcitorul pudra (neaparat pudra fina, altfel nu se incorporeaza si veti simti granulele), eu am rasnit eritritol fin de tot. Adaugam apa de trandafiri (din aceasta folosesc, cu uz alimentar), o lingura de apa si extractul de migdale, daca folositi. Also, recomand sa folositi o lingura de masurat care are fix 15ml :)

Amestecam bine ingredientele cu o spatula, la inceput veti obtine ca un nisip ud, insa continuati sa amestecati pana compozitia se leaga si, presata intre degete, isi pastreaza forma. Transferam compozitia pe o folie alimentara si o rulam, dandu-i o forma cilindrica. Introducem batonul in congelator pana facem glazura: topim la bain-marie ciocolata amaruie amestecata cu 2 lingurite de ulei de cocos. Eu folosesc un bol pentru topire ciocolata ca acesta.

Scoatem batonul din congelator si turnam ciocolata peste el, apoi il mai introducem putin, 10-20 de minute in congelator pana glazura se intareste. Se feliaza (ies cam 8-10 felii) si se serveste :) Enjoy!

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I’ve got the easiest and best homemade marzipan bar for you, it’s super yummy and sugar free, gluten free, preservative free, yei! You can shape it into balls or any shapes you like, I made a bar from it and covered it in chocolate like those festive bars from Lidl :) It’s also a great DIY edible gift for the holidays season :) Keto marzipan.

Ingredients (1 bar):

  • 150 g almond flour
  • 50 g powdered sweetener
  • 2 tbsp rose water (30ml)
  • 1 tbsp water (15ml)
  • 1/2 tsp almond extract (optional)
  • Topping:
  • 50 g sugar free dark chocolate
  • 2 tsp coconut oil

Put in a bowl the almond flour, powdered sweetener (not granulated, or you will feel this into the texture), I finely ground some erythritol. Add the rose water, a tablespoon of water and almond extract, if you use.

Mix well with a spatula, at first it will look like wet sand, but keep going until it binds together and when you press the dough between your fingers, it holds it s shape. Transfer on a clingfilm and roll into a cylinder, place in the freezer while you make the topping.

Melt the chocolate and coconut oil over a bain-marie, then pour over the marzipan bar. Slice (these quantities make about 8-10 slices) and enjoy! :)

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