Se apropie postul Craciunului si vreau sa le ofer celor care tin post dar si o dieta low carb/ketogenica o varianta de mic dejun dulce: terci keto de post :) E super bun, cald si cremos, iar la topping aveti multe variante, dupa placul inimii: fructe de padure, dulceata fara zahar, bucatele de ciocolata amaruie, unt de arahide sau de migdale, fulgi sau chipsuri de cocos, nuci, migdale, seminte de canepa and so on :)

Ingrediente (1 portie):

Punem pe foc intr-o craticioara laptele, faina de cocos, pudra proteica, indulcitorul, vanilia si semintele de chia. Aducem la punctul de fierbere amestecand frecvent. Fierbem la foc mic de tot 2 minute, amestecand constant sa nu se arda, apoi oprim focul.

Adaugam scortisoara si untul de arahide/migdale sau pasta de tahini. Servim cald acest terci keto de post, cu fructe de padure, ciocolata amaruie fara zahar si extra unt de arahide/migdale sau tahini :) Ciocolata se va topi intr-un mod minunat, yummmmy!

*Iata cateva exemple de pudre proteice vegane: aceasta sau . Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


Christmas religious fasting will begin soon and I want to offer those who will eat vegan AND be on a low carb/keto diet a sweet breakfast option: vegan keto porridge. It’s super reach and creamy and you have so many options for the topping :)

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp vegan protein powder* (optional)
  • 1 tbsp sweetener (erythritol)
  • 1 tbsp cocoa (optional)
  • 200ml unsweetened almond milk (or water)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp peanut/almond butter or tahini
  • topping: raspberries, almond or peanut butter, tahini, coconut chips, hazelnuts, almonds, sugar free dark chocolate, hemps seeds etc.

Put in a saucepan the milk, coconut flour, protein powder, sweetener, vanilla and chia seeds. Bring to a boil, stirring, then simmer over low heat for 2 min, until it thickens.

Add the peanut/almond butter or tahini and cinnamon, stir. Serve hot with chocolate pieces, raspberries, coconut chips etc. The chocolate will melt in a divine way :) Enjoy!

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