Prajitura cu prune si bezea. O prajitura fina de sezon, cu bezea crocanta la exterior si frageda inauntru, prune zemoase si blat fin, care se insiropeaza de la sucul de prune. Si aceasta minunatie e fara zahar si fara gluten :) Daca vreti o varianta low carb, puteti folosi afine, caise piersici sau ce fructe va plac voua :)


Batem galbenusurile si oul cu indulcitorul pana isi dubleaza volumul, adaugam apoi uleiul de cocos, faina de cocos, zerul si praful de copt si mai mixam putin pana la omogenizare.

Turnam aluatul intr-o tava rotunda cu fund detasabil (20-23cm diametru) si coacem blatul 15-17 min la 170C. Iese un blat foarte subtire, dar puteti folosi orice reteta de pandispan va place, am si eu aici o selectie :)

Scoatem tava din cuptor, asezam prunele taiate jumatati deasupra. Batem albusurile pana devin spumoase, apoi adaugam indulcitorul pudra si batem totul cu mixerul pana obtinem o bezea fina, lucioasa si ferma.

Adaugam bezeaua peste prune si mai coacem prajitura inca 30 de min. Dupa ce s-a racit, inlaturam marginile laterale ale tavii, hartia de copt si o feliem cu grija, este crocanta si se crapa putin, and that’s ok :) Pofta mare!

*Reteta inspirata de Andreea de la Taste Bazaar si modificata pe ici pe colo, prin punctele esentiale :)


A delicious fall cake, with meringue that’s cracks on the outside and is gooey on the inside, juicy plums and thin cake layer that is moist from the plum juice. And all gluten and sugar free :) If you want a low carb version, use your favorite low carb fruit: apricots, peaches, blueberries etc :)


  • 5 egg yolks + 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp powdered Green Sugar
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 tbsp isolate protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 250 g plums
  • 5 egg whites
  • 5 tbps powdered Green Sugar

Beat the egg yolks, whole egg and sweetened until doubled in size, add the coconut oil, coconut flour and isolate, baking powder and mix a little more until smooth.

Por the dough in a round springform pan (20-23cm diameter) and bake for about 15-17 min at 170C. It’s a very thin layer cake, but you can use any sponge cake recipe, I have a selection here :)

Take the pan out of the ove arrange the plums cut in half. Beat the egg whites until foamy, then add the sweetener and beat them until they form stiff peaks and make a glossy stiff meringue.

Add the meringue over the plums and bake the cake for 30 more min, Once it;s cooled, remove the pan, baking paper and slice gently, the meringue top will crack and that’s ok :) Enjoy!

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