O reteta delicioasa de toamna din 2 ingrediente, chiar 1 singur daca nu adaugati nuca :) Magiun de prune la slow cooker. Noul model de slow cooker CrockPot Digital 7.5L* e minunat pentru familii numeroase sau daca vreti sa gatiti portii generoase dintr-un fel de mancare: gem, zacusca, compot, sarmale, curcan sau pui intreg. Cum e toamna si sunt pline pietele de fructe de sezon, am zis ca e momentul sa fac un magiun de prune la slow cooker, aparatul a facut treaba cam singur, iar rezultatul a fost un gem aromat, dulce, care a pastrat din nutrientii fructelor aromate :) Demential a iesit!


  • 2 kg prune dulci, coapte
  • 200g nuca

*Acest model de slow cooker are cea mai mare capacitate – de 7.5L, adica suficient pt 10 portii de mancare, vas ceramic care poate fi folosit si in cuptor, vasul si capacul sunt usor de curatat si pot fi spalate si in masina de spalat vase, afisaj electronic foarte usor de folosit. Eu l-am primit in teste, dar sincer ma gandesc foarte serios sa il achizitionez :) Il gasiti AICI la un pret promotional :)

Mod de preparare:

Spalam prunele, le taiem pe jumatate si le scoatem samburii. Punem toate prunele in vasul slowcookerului CrockPot 7.5L, il setam pe High pentru 8 ore. Aparatul va pornit automat dupa setarea timpului.

Am amestecat de cateva ori in acest interval, mai mult de curiozitate si nerabdare sa fie gata :))) La jumatatea timpului, am scos cu polonicul din zeama lasata de fructe cam 1 castronas de 250ml. Voi puteti lasa aparatul sa isi faca treaba pana zeama scade suficient si magiunul se ingroasa.

Cam cu 1 ora inainte de final a adaugat nuca, si intreaga si putin maruntita, mai mult rupta cu mana. Ador sa gasesc bucati de nuca in gemul de prune :) Din aceste cantitati am obtinut 3 borcanase de 300g, apoi am repetat reteta si am dublat cantitatile :D (pt cantitate dubla am pus 12h pe High, in functie de cat de zemoase sunt fructele mariti timpul pana obtineti consistenta groasa din imagini). Pofta mare!


A yummy autumn recipe from only 2 ingredients, even 1 if you don’t add the walnuts :) Slow cooker sugar free plum jam. The new slow cooker is perfect for numerous families or if you want to cook something in large quantities: jam, preserve, cabbage rolls, stews etc. SInce it’s autumn and the markets are filled with fresh fruit, I thought it’s the perfect time to make a slow cooker sugar free plum jam, the Crock Pot did almost everything and the result was amazingly sweet and with all nutrients kept due to slow cooker method :)


  • 2 kg ripe plums
  • 200g walnuts

Wash the plums, cut them in half and remove the pits. Place them in the slow cooker pot, set on High for 8 hours. it will automatically start after the setting of the time.

I mixed a couple of times through the fruit, more out of curiosity and anxiousness to taste :)) halfway the cooking time I removed some of the juice, about 250ml. You can let the slow cooker do it’s thing until the juice reduces and the jam thickens.

About 1 hour before the end I added the roughly chopped walnuts, I like to find big pieces of it in the jam :) From these quantities I got 3 jars of 300ml, the next day I repeated the recipe with double quantities :D (For that I set it on Hih for 12h, you can check the consistency and adjust the timer, depending on how juice the plums are) ENjoy!

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