Ceva bun si natural de toamna: gem de prune cu vanilie si nuci. E delicios si atat de aromat pe paine proaspata de casa unsa cu unt, ca umplutura la clatite sau pur si simplu mancat gol cu lingurita, direct din borcan :))


  • 3 kg prune dulci
  • 2 pastai de vanilie
  • coaja si zeama de la 1 lamaie
  • 5 lg Green Sugar
  • 200g nuci

Spalam prunele, le scoatem samburii si le dam prin blender. Le punem intr-o oala mare pe foc, adaugam restul ingredientelor mai putin batoanele de vanilie si amestecam constant, pentru a nu se lipi. Zeama prunelor se va reduce treptat.

Cand ajungem la consistenta de gem, adaugam semintele de la batoanele de vanilie, nucile taiate in jumatati, amestecam bine si punem gemul in borcanele sterilizate. Le punem capacele doar dupa ce s-a racit complet gemul. Pofta mare!


A sweet natural autumn treat: walnut vanilla plum jam. It’s to delicious on fresh homemade bread, with butter, as crepe filling or simply eaten straight from the jar, with a large spoon :D


  • 3 kg ripe plums
  • 2 vanilla beans
  • juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • 5 tbsp stevia erythritol
  • 200 g walnuts

Wash the plums, pit them and blend them. Place the puree in a large pot, add the rest of the ingredients except the vanilla beans and cook over low heat, constantly stirring.

When reached the jam consistency, add the seeds from the vanilla beans, walnuts cut in halves, mix well and pour into sterilized jars. Put the lids on after the jam has chilled. Enjoy!

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