O veste buna pentru fanii Nutella: a aparut cea mai healthy si delicioasa varianta de pe piata! Greentella de la Green Sugar este absolut senzationala, fara pic de zahar, facuta cu cel mai de calitate unt de cacao. Iar daca va plictisiti vreodata sa o devorati cu lingura din borcan, iata o reteta super usoara de un desert rapid si grozav pentru copii :) Rulouri cu Greentella si banane, servite cu frisca si afine.

Ingrediente (2 portii):

Intindem Greentella pe lipie, asezam frumos banana si rulam lipia. Punem ruloul obtinut pe un tocator si il feliem frumos.

Luam smantana dulce, 2 linguri de Green Sugar si le batem spuma cu mixerul pana obtinem cea mai delicioasa frisca fara zahar :) Servim rondelele cu frisca proaspata si afine sau ce fructe aveti la indemana. Un deliciu! Needless to say ca am mancat toti de-am spart :)))


Great news for Nutella fans, we can buy the healthiest and most delicious version of it in stores now :) Greentella from Green Sugar is super delicious, natural, totally sugar free and made with high quality cocoa butter. And if you ever get bored of eating it straight form the jar, here’s a super easy dessert recipe: Sugar-free hazelnut spread & banana rolls, served with whipped cream and blueberries.

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 1 banana
  • 1 wholewheat tortilla wrap
  • 2 tbsp sugar free hazelnut spread
  • 200 ml double cream
  • 2 tbsp stevia erythritol sweetener
  • 100 g blueberries

Spread the hazelnut cream over the tortilla, then place the banana on top. Roll it tight and nicely cut into slices. Prepared the whipped cream by mixing the double cream and sweetener until stiff. Serve the rolls with whipping cream and blueberries. Super delicious and so easy to make! Enjoy!

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