Avem azi la pranz o mancare usoara si gustoasa, de weekend canicular de vara, asa :)) Salata greceasca de linte, cu multe legume gustoase, rosii adevarate (Yummy, ador vara pentru rosii cu gust si combinatia rosii+branza = love :)), telemea, masline, linte si un dressing super bun! :) Si gata in maxim 15 min.

Ingrediente (2-3 portii):

  • 80g linte uscata
  • 1 rosie mare
  • 2 castraveti
  • 1 ardei gras mic
  • 1/2 ceapa rosie
  • 1 avocado
  • 70g masline negre
  • 100g telemea sau Feta (sau Tofu pt varianta vegana)


  • 3 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 lg otet
  • 1 lgt miere
  • 1 lgt sare
  • 1 catel de usturoi
  • 1/2 lgt oregano uscat

Fierbem lintea pana e facuta, dar nu terci :), apoi o scurgem bine si o lasam sa se racoreasca. Taiem cubulete branza, tocam legumele dupa preferinte. Taiem avocado pe jumatate, ii scoatem samburele, trasam cu un cutit linii verticale si orizontale pe suprafate lui, apoi scoatem cu o lingura pulpa.

Pentru dressing punem intr-un bol mic uleiul de masline, otetul, mierea, catelul de usturoi pisat, sarea, oregano uscat si amestecam bine cu un tel.

Aranjam intr-un bol toate ingredientele, turnam dressingul deasupra si amestecam usor cu niste ustensile pentru salata, sa nu strivim ingredientele :) Servim salata imediat, e suuuper gustoasa si satioasa, dar si fresh :) Pofta mare!


Today’s lunch features a light and tasty summer foor. Greek lentil salad, with lots of tasty veggies, real tomatoes (I love summer because of them), cheese, olives, lentils and a super delicious dressing. And it’s ready in 15 min.

Ingredients (2-3 servings):

  • 80 g dry lentils
  • 1 large tomato
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 small red pepper
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1 avocado
  • 70g black olives
  • 100g Feta cheese (or Tofu as vegan option)


  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano

Boil the lentils until soft but not mushy, then drain well and let it chill. Dice the cheese, chop the veggies in the prefered size. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit then slice it with a knife inside the pulp. Spoon out after that.

For the dressing place in the small bowl the following: olive oil, vinegar, honey, mashed garlic clove, salt, dry oregano and mix well with a small whisk or fork.

Arrange all the ingredients in a bowl, add the dressing and gently combine everything, careful not to mash the ingredients. Serve right away, it’s filling but also fresh :) Enjoy!

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