O bunatate de mic dejun dulce, cremos si aromat, plin de fibre: terci de ovaz la multicookerul Crockpot Express cu gatire sub presiune. Am adaugat un mar ras in compozitie pentru mai multa aroma si dulceata naturala. E un mic dejun minunat pentru pitici, cu fructe proaspete alaturi si un strop de sirop de artar (sau miere pentru copii mai mari de 1 an).

Ingrediente (4 portii):

  • 150g fulgi de ovaz
  • 1 L de lapte
  • 1 mar mare
  • 1 cub de unt (25g)
  • 1/2 lgt scortisoara
  • topping: fructe, nuci rasnite, seminte, sirop de artar/miere*

Aveti o extra reducere de 10% cu codul Madeline10 pentru multicookerul CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune, cat si pentru restul gamei, pe siteul CrockPot Romania, valabil pana pe 31 martie 2021! :) Nu uitati si de special dedicata acestui multicooker, o gasiti AICI.

Mod de preparare

Punem in vasul multicookerului CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune laptele, untul (pentru copii cu intoleranta la lactate puteti folosi lapte vegetal si unt de cocos), fulgii de ovaz, marul dat pe razatoare, scortisoara, amestecam usor.

Punem capacul, il rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim si valva de presiune si setam aparatul pe programul Manual, Low pressure, 8 minute. Dupa expirarea timpului, punem imediat un prosopel pe capac si eliberam presiunea cu o spatula. NU lasam aparatul sa stea pe Keep warm, pt ca se va arde rau terciul la baza :)

Servim terciul fierbinte spre caldut, cu ce topping doriti :) Eu mi-am pus miere, capsuni, afine, banane si seminte de canepa, sa iasa Bebe 2 destept :))) Pofta mare!

P.S. – Alte retete la minunatul multicooker CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune gasiti aici. Pofta mare!


A super yummy sweet breakfast that’s also creamy, rich, full of flavor and fiber: pressure cooker oatmeal. I added a grated apple for more natural sweetness, this is a great breakfast for kids, with fruit, and a drizzle of maple syrup (or honey for kids over 1 year).

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 150g oatmeal
  • 1 L milk
  • 1 large apple
  • 1 cube of butter (25 g)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • topping: fruit, ground nuts, seeds, maple syrup/honey*

Put the milk (you can use dairy free milk and coconut butter for dairy intolerant persons), butter, oatmeal, grated apple, cinnamon, gently stir.

Put the lid on, rotate to closed position, rotate the pressure valve to closed, too and set on Manual, Low pressure, 8 minutes. When the time’s up, put a cloth on the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve to open position, using a spatula. Do NOT let it on keep warm, it will burn the oatmeal :)

Sere this delicious pressure cooker oatmeal warm to hot, with your desired toppings :) I had my portion with honey, strawberries, blueberries, banana and hemp seeds, so that baby nr. 2 turns out smart :))) Enjoy!

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