Nu mai facusem de mult ceva raw cu ciocolata si, fiind si weekend, am zis ca trebuie sa remediez problema :) Va propun de data aceasta un tort raw de ciocolata si visine, decadent si savuros, care va cuceri pe loc. Nu mi-a iesit mie prea aratos , dar a fost prea bun sa nu-l impartasesc cu voi :)


  • 2 cani migdale hidratate (300g)
  • 1 cana curmale moi (200g)
  • 4 lg cacao
  • 4 lg sirop de agave
  • 1/2 cana lapte de migdale (125ml)
  • 250g visine fara samburi (am folosit congelate)
  • glazura: 2 banane, 3 lg cacao, 2 lg sirop de agave, 1 lg ulei de cocos
  • fulgi de migdale si visine pentru decor

Introducem in robotul de bucatarie migdalele, curmalele, cacaoa si siropul de agave. Procesam bine, adaugam si laptele de migdale. Cand suntem multumiti de cremozitate (trebuie sa fie ca o smantana groasa), turnam jumatate din compozitie intr-o forma rotunda cu fund detasabil (a mea are 22cm), adaugam visinele si cealalta jumatate de crema. Introducem tortul in congelator sa se intareasca.

Intre timp facem glazura mixand in blender bananele, 3 linguri de cacao, 2 de sirop de agave si una de ulei de cocos. Introducem glazura in frigider. Uleiul de cocos se va intari si ii va da o consistenta minuntata de sarlota.

Inainte de servire scoatem tortul din forma, intindem glazura, presaram fulgi de migdale si decoram cu visine. Tortul se pastreaza in congelator si se scoate afara cu 30 de minute inainte de servire. Pofta mare!


It’s been a while since I made a raw chocolate dessert and because it’s weekend I thought I’d fix the problem :) This time I have for you a raw chocolate sour cherry cake, decadent and delicious. It didn’t turn out too pretty, but it was way too delicious not to share :)


  • 2 cups hydrated almonds (300g)
  • 1 cup soft dates (200g)
  • 4 tbsp cacao
  • 4 tbsp agave syrup
  • 1/2 cup almond milk (125ml)
  • 250 g pitted sour cherries (I used frozen)
  • frosting: 2 bananas, 3 tbsp cacao, 2 tbsp agave syrup, 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • almond flakes and sour cherries for decorating

Place the almonds, dates, cacao and agave syrup in the food processor. Process well, then add the almond milk. When creamy enough, pour half of the mixture intro a spring-form pan (mine has 22 cm), put the sour cherries and pour the other half. Place in the freezer to set.

Meanwhile make the frosting mixing in the blender the bananas, 3 tbsp cacao, 2 tbsp agave syrup and 1 tbsp coconut oil. Put the frosting in the freezer. The coconut oil will make it harden, giving it a wonderful mousse texture.

Before serving, take the cake out from the pan, spread the frosting all over it and decorate it with almond flakes and sour cherries. Store in the freezer and take out 30 min before serving. Enjoy!

5 Comments on Tort raw de ciocolata si visine / Raw chocolate sour cherry cake

  1. Arată minunat şi cred că e delicios! Oare aş putea înlocui siropul de agave cu miere sau sirop de arțar?


    • Draga Raluca, multumesc frumos pentru apreciere, sigur ca poti folosi ce indulcitor doresti, dupa gust :) O zi minunata!

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