Un desert clasic din comert care se poate prepara acasa, cu ingrediente de calitate si indulcitorul natural Green Sugar. Ii puteti adauga ce arome doriti, de cocos, menta, rom, portocale, trandafiri etc. Aceste bezele moi keto sunt preferatele mele! :)

Ingrediente (12 portii):

Punem gelatina la inmuiat in 125ml de apa. Punem Green Sugar si apa ramasa (125ml) pe foc intr-o craticioara. Dupa ce ajunge la punctul de fierbere si indulcitorul s-a dizolvat, oprim focul si adaugam vanilia si romul.

Batem gelatina hidratata cu mixerul, apoi turnam si siropul putin cate putin. Dupa ce il adaugam pe tot, crestem viteza si mixam compozitia cam 15-20 min la viteza maxima, pana obtinem o spuma fina si lucioasa.

Turnam compozitia intr-o forma patrata (15*15 cm) unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt si pudrata cu faina de cocos. Nivelam totul si lasam forma la temperatura camerei timp de 1 ora, pana se intareste.

Pudram suprafata cu faina de cocos si taiem cuburi bezelele, cu un cutit bine ascutit. Presaram faina de cocos peste cuburi, unele laturi sunt lipicioase :) Deci, pofta mare la cele mai bune marshmallows facute in casa!


A classic dessert that you can make at home, with high quality ingredients and a natural healthy sweetener. You can add what flavor you like, coconut, mint, rum, orange, rose etc. These keto marhsmallows are one of my favorites!

Ingredients (12 servings):

  • 150 g Green Sugar (stevia erithritol)
  • 250 ml water
  • 3 tbsp gelatin (30 g)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp orange extract (mint, rose etc)
  • 6 tbsp coconut flour for dusting

Soak the gelatin in 125ml water. Heat the remaining water (125ml) and sweetener in a pan over medium heat. Once it reached boiling point and the sweetener is dissolved, turn the gas off and add the vanilla and rum.

Whisk the soaked gelatin with the stand mixer, then start adding the syrup, too, little by little. After you’ve poured the entire syrup, increase the mixer speed and whisk for 15-20 min at maximum speed, until you get a smooth and glossy meringue.

Pour the mixture in a square pan (15*15 cm) greased with oil and lined with baking paper and powdered with coconut flour. Level the surface and let it set for about 1 hour at room temperature.

Pwder the surface too with coconut flour and cut out the marshmallow squares with a really sharp knife. Sprinkle more coconut flour on all sides, they are sticky :) Enjoy the best homemade marhsmallows ever!

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