Am pentru voi o gustare super buna, cu fructe, pudra proteica de calitate, oua, indulcita cu miere, mi se pare foarte hranitoare :) Briose proteice la multicooker. Sunt un fel de briose-papanasi, sa le zic asa, dar sunt foarte gustoase; afinele isi lasa zeama delicioasa si cu niste sirop de artar deasupra sunt senzatie, mmmm :)
Ingrediente (14 buc):
- 160g faina
- 40g pudra proteica*
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 2 oua
- 3 lg ulei de cocos
- 80g miere (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 150ml lapte*
- 150g afine
Amestecam ingredientele umede intr-un bol, folosind un tel: ouale, mierea (sau indulcitorul folosit), uleiul de cocos, laptele (eu am folosit un lapte de soia cu aroma de vanilie, care imi place foarte mult).
Incorporam faina, pudra proteica si praful de copt, omogenizand bine. La final incorporam si afinele. Ungem formele de silicon pentru multicooker cu ulei si punem cate o lingura mare de inghetata in fiecare cavitate. Acoperim forma cu folie de aluminiu.
Punem 250ml de apa in vasul multicookerului, adaugam grilajul si asezam forma. Setam aparatul pe 10 minute pe Manual, High pressure. Dupa ce timpul a expirat, lasam 2 minute aparatul sa elibereze presiunea natural (adica nu ii facem nimic), apoi asezam un prosopel pe valva de presiune si o rotim usor, cu grija, folosind o spatula.
Deschidem capacul si scoatem briosele din forme, lasandu-le la racit pe un grilaj. Am facut tura 2 fara folie de aluminiu si au iesit la fel, pentru ca presimt ca ma veti intreba daca merge si fara :)) (dar ies mai indesate) Sunt minunate calde, cu smantana si sirop de artar si cu extra fructe, dar nici reci nu sunt rele, FYI :)) Pofta mare!
*Alte retete la multicooker gasiti AICI. Cu o pudra proteica vegana si un lapte vegetal, reteta devine Dairy-free, pentru persoanele cu intoleranta la lactoza. Reteta adaptata de aici.
I’ve got a yummy treat for you, made with fresh fruit, high quality protein powder, eggs, honey, very nutritious :) Pressure cooker protein bites. They are some kind of pancake-muffin bites, sort of speaking, very tasty, the blueberries leave their juice all over, just drizzle some maple syrup over them and mmmmm, dig in! :)
Ingredients (14 pcs):
- 160 g flour
- 40 g protein powder (vanilla flavored)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 80g honey (or favorite sweetener)
- 150 ml milk
- 150 g blueberries
Combine the we ingredients in a bowl: eggs, honey (or favorite sweetener), coconut oil, milk (I used vanilla flavored soy milk). Fold in the flour, protein powder and baking powder. In the end add the blueberries.
Spray the silicone mold with oil and add one large ice cream scoop of the batter into each cavity., cover with aluminum foil. Add 250ml water in the pressure cooker, add the rack and place the mold on it. Set for 10 min on Manual, High pressure.
Let the pressure naturally release pressure for 2 min. Put a kitchen cloth on the lid, carefully release the pressure valve with a spatula and remove the lid. Pop out the muffins and serve them, they’re yummy warm with male syrup and sour cream, with a side of extra fresh fruit :) Enjoy!