Bulete de cheddar la cuptor. O gustare super dragalasa, perfecta pentru pitici si nu numai. Am gasit o metoda super tare de a face aceste bulete fara sa se aplatizeze, punandu-le in cuptor in forme de cake pops :) Deci daca vreti bulete de cascaval de orice fel fara prajeala in baie de ulei, tantanaaaa! :))
Ingrediente (20 buc):
- 200g cheddar Kerrygold Mature
- 3 lg gris (30g)
- 1 lg pesmet (7g)
- 1 ou
- 1/2 lgt boia dulce
- 3-4 lg pesmet pentru topping
Dam pe razatoarea mare cheddarul, il amestecam apoi cu oul, grisul, pesmetul si pudra de boia. La prima vedere, aluatul nu pare sa se lege, insa veti vedea ca, presat intre degete, e foarte usor de modelat :)
Formam bilute mici pe care le dam prin pesmet si le asezam in forme de cake pops :) Astfel isi vor pastra forma usor rotunjoara, se pot pune si pe tava, dar se vor aplatiza si vor iesi mai degraba biscuiti :)
Coacem buletele timp de 15-17 de min la 180C, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele minute pana sunt rumene si frumoase. Le intoarcem cu fundul in sus :)) si sunt perfect rotunjoare si dragalase :) Pofta mare! Bulete de cheddar la cuptor.
*Cheddar-ul se poate manca peste varsta de 1 an, cu masura. Aruncati o privire pe siteul KerryGold Romania pentru a vedea gama lor delicioasa de produse :) Cheddar-ul lor este facut din lapte irlandez de cea mai buna calitate si maturat minim 12 luni.
A super cute snack for little ones and not only. I’ve found a great way to make baked cheese puffs without them flattening like cookies, using cake pops molds :)
Ingredients (20 pcs):
- 200 g Kerrygold Mature cheddar
- 3 tbsp semolina (30g)
- 1 tbsp dried breadcrumbs (7g)
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
- 3-4 tbsp dried breadcrumbs for the topping
DGrate the cheddar, then mix it with the egg, semolina, breadcrumbs and paprika. At first, it will seem very crubly, but if you press the mixture between your fingers, you will see it holds its shape and its very easy to mold :)
Form balls, roll them in the extra breadcrumbs and put them in the cake pop molds. You could bake them on the tray, too, but they would flatten. Bake for about 15-17 min at 180C, with the ventilation on in the last minutes, until lovely golden. Enjoy!