O bunatate de desert facut din niste banane mega coapte si 2 mere scofalcite :)) Chec cu banane si mere. E super gustos, fraged, usor umed, cu mere coapte si dulci in compozitie si topping crocant, mmmmmm… Am savurat 1 (biiiine, 2) felii cu crema de arahide si cacao Secretele Ramonei si cateva felii de banana. Alaturi de o cafea sau un ceai aromat, mmmm, dezmat total! :)


  • 300g faina
  • 175g zahar brun* (sau indulcitor brun)
  • 1 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1 lgt scortisoara
  • 300g banane coapte (3 buc)
  • 100ml kefir
  • 2 oua
  • 90g unt topit
  • 2 mere taiate cubulete

Decojim bananele si le pasam usor cu furculita. Punem in bolul mixerului ouale, kefirul si bananele, mixam bine, adaugam apoi untul topit si zaharul brun (eu am avut un zahar melasa vechi foarte intarit pe care l-am rasnit la blender :) Nu aruncam nimic :)) #StopTheFoodWaste

Mai mixam putin, apoi adaugam in bol si faina, scortisoara, bicarbonatul, praful de copt. Mixam pana la omogenizare, are o culoare superba de genul „cafea cu lapte” de la zaharul brun amestecul, :)

Decojim merele si le taiem cubulete mic, le mozolim apoi bine cu 2 extra linguri de faina si le adaugam in aluat, incorporandu-le cu o spatula.

Ungem cu ulei o forma de chec/cozonac si o tapetam cu hartie de copt, turnam compozitia si adaugam putin zahar brun sau de care aveti deasupra pentru acea crusta minunata de care va ziceam :)

Coacem acest chec cu banane si mere aprox 1 ora la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii. Dupa ce s-a racorit putin, se scoate din tava, apoi se feliaza dupa ce s-a racit bine de tot :) E divinnnn, pofta mare!

*Pentru copii mici puteti omite zaharul si indulci cu cateva linguri de miere (peste 1 an) sau sirop de artar, dar fructele dau destula dulceata checului :) Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


A yummy dessert made from some super ripe bananas and 2 pretty dry apples :)) Apple banana bread. It’s so tasty, tender, slightly moist, with sweet baked apple pieces and a crunchy sugar topping, mmmm… I have one (ok, two) slice with chocolate peanut butter spread and a couple of banana sliced, OMG, the delight! :)


  • 300 g flour
  • 175 g brown sugar* (or brown sweetener)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 300 g ripe bananas (about 3 pcs)
  • 100 ml kefir
  • 2 eggs
  • 90 g melted butter
  • 2 apples, diced

Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork. Put the eggs, kefir and bananas in the mixer bowl and mix them a little, then add the melted butter and brown sugar (I had some really old and hardened molasses sugar that I ground with my blender :) I don’t throw away anything! :)) #StopTheFoodWaste

Mix some more, then add the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder. Mix until smooth, the dough has a lovely latte colour thanks to the brown sugar :) Peel and dice the apples, then coat them with 2 extra tablespoons of water and fold them in the dough, with a spatula.

Grease with butter a loaf pan, line with baking paper, pour the dough and sprinkle a little sugar on top, it will give it that lovely crunchy topping I was telling you about :)

Bake the apple banana bread for about 1 hour at 170C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Once it’s cooled a little, remove from the pan and slic after completely cooled, it’s divine, enjoy! :)

*For small kids you can skip the sugar and use as sweetener just a little honey (only for kids over 1 year old) or maple syrup, but the fruit give it enough natural sweetness :)

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