Piure de cereale la multicookerul cu gatire sub presiune Crockpot Express. Tin minte ca la diversificarea Ilincai aveam pe lista de la pediatra sa adaug cateva lingurite de cereale instant pentru copii in diverse piureuri pentru un plus de consistenta, insa nu m-a incantat acest lucru. Acum mi-a venit ideea sa prepar eu piure din diverse cereale, pe care sa il congelez sub forma de cuburi si sa le am astfel mereu la indemana, usor de pus cat un cub in piureul de fructe sau legume :)


  • 150g orez*
  • 500ml apa
  • 150ml lichid* (apa, supa etc)

Aveti o extra reducere de 10% cu codul Madeline10 pentru multicookerul Crockpot Express cu gatire sub presiune, cat si pentru restul gamei, pe siteul CrockPot Romania, valabil pana la 31 martie 2021! :) Nu uitati si de special dedicata acestui multicooker, o gasiti AICI.

Mod de preparare

Punem in vasul multicookerului orezul clatit si 500ml de apa, punem capacul rotim valva de presiune spre pozitia Inchis si setam aparatul pe Rice/Risotto, High Pressure, 12 min.

Dupa ce a expirat timpul, punem un prosopel pe capac, desfacem cu grija valva de presiune folosindu-ne de o spatula. Orezul e perfect fiert :) Il punem intr-un blender alaturi de 150ml de lichid, poate fi apa sau supa simpla nesarata (daca il veti folosi in preparate sarate).

Mixam in blender pana obtinem un piure fin pe care il turnam in forme de silicon sau tava pt cuburi de gheata. Eu de exemplu am copt mere si am adaugat un cub peste ele, fierbinti fiind. Cu putina scortisoara Ceylon si vanilie iese un super desert :)

La copiii de peste 1 an puteti adauga lapte, sub 1 an laptele de vaca nu se ofera decat gatit in preparate (orez, gris cu lapte, etc, desi peste varsta de 1 an nu prea mai mananca piureuri :). Daca veti adauga cuburile doar in mancaruri sarate, puteti folosi pe post de lichid* supa clara de pui sau legume. Poate fi tinut 3 zile in frigider sau 3 luni in congelator.

Ce alte cereale mai puteti folosi: Mei, 1 parte mei, 2 parti apa, 10 minute pe Manual, High pressure. Quinoa, 1 parte quinoa, 2 parti apa, 4 minute pe Manual, High pressure. Pofta mare, pitici! :)

P.S. – Alte retete la minunatul multicooker CrockPot Express cu gatire sub presiune gasiti aici. Pofta mare!


I remember from Ilinca’s weaning that the pediatrician told me to add a few teaspoons of instant baby cereal in her purees, but I was not a big fan of that. So this time I thought I could make my own baby cereal to add in purees, for more nutrients and texture :)


  • 150 g rice*
  • 500 ml water
  • 150ml liquid* (water, soup etc)

Put the rinsed rice and 500ml water in the pressure cooker, put the lid on, rotate to Closed and set the device on Rice/Risotto, High Pressure, 12 min. When the time’s up, put a kitchen cloth on the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve with a spatula.

The rice is PERFECTLY boiled :) Put in a blender along with 150ml liquid, it can be water or plain unsalted soup (if you will use it in savory dishes only). Mix in a blender until you get a smooth puree that you can pour in silicone molds or ice cube tray. I, for example, bakes some apples and made a puree with this baby cereal and a little Ceylon cinnamon :)

For kids older than 1 year you can use milk, under 1 year milk is offered only cooked in dishes like rice pudding, semolina pudding etc, but kids don’t usually eat purees when they are 1 year old :) If you will add the baby rice cereal in savory dishes only, you can use plain unsalted soup as liquid. This baby cereal puree is stored 3 days in the fridge or 3 months in the freezer.

Other cereal you can use: Millet, 1 part millet, 2 parts water, 10 minutes on Manual, High pressure. Quinoa, 1 part quinoa, 2 parts water, 4 minutes on Manual, High pressure. Enjoy, babies! :)

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