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Daca va era dor de un pui intreg la cuptor cu gustul acela de pe vremuri, de pui adevarat, va recomand Puiul Vegetarian de la La Provincia, crescut la Horezu, hranit sanatos doar cu legume si cereale cultivate de ei, nu cu dubiosenii (faina din resturi de oase…), aveti mai detalii pe siteul lor aici. E super gustos, si se gaseste intr-o gama larga de produse, abia astept sa incerc pieptul de pui, pulpele, ficateii, yummmmm!


  • 1 pui grill Puiul Vegetarian
  • 4 catei de usturoi
  • 3 lg ulei de masline
  • 30g unt
  • 4-5 cartofi
  • 2 cepe rosii
  • 3 morcovi
  • 300g varza de Bruxelles
  • fulgi de sare de mare*
  • piper, boia dulce*

Pregatim legumele, eu am folosit morcovi, cartofi, ceapa rosie si varza de Bruxelles, dar puteti folosi legumele care va plac voua la cuptor, mai merg si: broccoli, conopida, telina, sfecla rosie, cartof dulce dovleac, pastarnac and so on :) Le decojim si le taiem bucati relativ egale.

Pentru un pui suculent, e bine ca puiul sa stea la temperatura camerei timp de 30 de min inainte sa va apucati de gatit. Il scoatem pe frumusel din ambalaj, inlaturam eventuale resturi de pene. Il tamponam bine cu un servet si il asezam peste legumele din tava.

Il ungem cu untul topit amestecat cu usturoi pisat, turnam restul acestui amestec si inauntru, prin „where the sun don’t shine” :))) Presaram din belsug fulgi de sare (cu incredere, iese foarte aromat, dar merge si cu sare normala, fireste :), piper si boia dulce (sau picanta, daca vreti ceva hot), apoi la final, picuram ulei de masline peste pui si legume.

In cuptorul preincalzit la 200C, coacem puiul timp de 1 ora si 15 min, pana se rumeneste frumos (si masurati cu un termometru de bucatarie temperatura de 75C in interior, asa stim sigur ca e bine facut). Eu pornesc ventilatia la cuptor in ultimele minute si il rumenesc exact cat ne place noua :) SUPER gustos, pofta mare! Pui intreg la cuptor cu legume.

#BUZZPuiulVegetarian #PuiulVegetarian de la #LaProvincia #ProaspatVenitLaOras #CampulUrban

Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric


If you were missing a good ol’ fashioned roasted chicken, this recipe is for you! This chicken is super tasty, fed only with natural grains and vegetables. I cannot wait to try this brand’s chicken thighs, breast and liver, yummmmm!


  • 1 grill chicken
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 30 g butter
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • 2 red onions
  • 3 carrots
  • 300 g Brussels sprouts
  • sea salt flakes
  • pepper, sweet paprika

Prep the veggies first, I used carrots, potatoes, red onion and Brussels sprouts, but you can you any roasted veggies you like: broccoli, cauliflower, celeriac, beetroot, sweet potato, squash, parsnip and so on :) peel them and cut them into equal pieces.

For a juicy chicken, it’s best to let it sit at room temperature 30 min before starting cooking. Remove from the package and take out any possible feather leftovers.

Grease well with the melted butter and mashed garlic, pour the left mixture inside, through „where the sun don’t shine” :))) Sprinkle lots of sea salt flakes over the chicken (you can use regular salt too, of course), pepper and sweet paprika (or hot paprika, if you want) and in the end, drizzle everything with olive oil.

Bake everything in the preheated oven at 200C, for about 1 hour and 15 min, until lovely golden brown and crispy (you can measure the inside with a kitchen thermometer, it should have 75C, to know it’s fully cooked). I turn the ventilation on in the last minutes and brown it just as we like it :) SUPER yummy, enjoy!

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