Pentru ca e weekend, e timpul sa facem ceva bun de tot, si anume un chec pufos cu cacao, in varianta super healthy, low carb, fara gluten si fara zahar, cu un nou indulcitor natural pe care l-am testat, tagatoza. Checul meu a iesit incredibil de gustos, la mare concurenta cu checul traditional si l-am mancat toti 3 cu multa pofta! :)


Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma un praf de sare, iar cand se fac spuma, adaugam si indulcitorul, amestecand in continuare pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa.

Adaugam galbenusurile, uleiul de cocos si vanilia, amestecand usor, cu miscari de sus in jos, pentru a pastra cat mai mult aer in compozitie.

Adaugam faina de migdale amestecata cu praful de copt, amestecand usor, cu aceleasi miscari. Pastram cateva linguri din compozitie, pe care le amestecam cu cacao.

Turnam compozitia alba in tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, o adaugam deasupra si pe cea de cacao si marmoram usor cu un cutit sau o frigaruie. Coacem checul aprox 35 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii (o scobitoare introdusa in centru iese curata).

Acest Chec low carb cu cacao este super bun, pufos, gustos, pofta mare! :)


It’s weekend again, let’ bake a yummy treat: fluffy cocoa sponge cake, this time in super healthy version: low carb, gluten and sugar free, as I tested a new natural sweetener, tagatose, really nice. My pound cake came out super tasty and fluffy, we all enjoyed it just like regular dessert :)


  • 150 g almond meal
  • 5 eggs
  • 80 g powdered sweetener (tagatose)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp cocoa

Separate the eggs, using a hand mixer beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until fluffy, then add the sweetener and beat everything until you get a smooth stiff meringue. Add the egg yolks, coconut oil and vanilla, carefully, with a spatula, using circular moves, to keep as much air in the mixture as possible.

Fold in the almond meal mixed whit the baking powder with the same circular movements. Save a few tablespoons of the mixture and incorporate the cocoa into it. Pour the dough in a pound cake pan lined with baking paper, add the cocoa mixture on top and give it a swirl, suing a knife or skewer. Bake the cake for 35 min at 180 C. Enjoy!

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